Black dots in front of the eyes often harmless

Black dots in front of the eyes often harmless / Health News

Ophthalmologists: Black spots in front of the eyes often harmless


Many people know the phenomenon: Small, mostly black dots dance in front of the eyes. After a while, the dots can no longer be perceived and disappear. Both „dancing points“ It is an ocular disorder reported by medical professionals as „Vitreous opacity“ referred to as. This was announced by the German Professional Association of Ophthalmologists. This symptom is harmless.

Anyone who sees dancing black dots sometimes is most likely affected by a glassy opacity. However, this disorder is usually harmless and harmless, as ophthalmologists tell the professional association. Such occurrence is called mouches floaters or floaters. Such subjective points are perceived especially in the increasing age. In advancing age, fibers develop in the crystal-clear, gelatinous vitreous of the eye, which clumps over time. For the eyesight and the health that is not harmful.

However, there may be serious eye damage if additional symptoms are added.
However, there are symptoms of this kind, which are considered from the point of view of ophthalmology as a medical emergency. If the vitreous bodies suddenly become cloudy and sudden, there could be lasting damage to the eye. The affected then see black spots in the field of vision which are perceived as a soot-rain. Then bleeding may occur, extending into the vitreous body. If those affected additionally perceive flashes of light that are associated with the black spots, this may be a sign of retinal detachment. In this case, the professional association advises patients to seek out an ophthalmologist immediately. (Sb)

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