Black and yellow wants to pull good earners in the private health insurance

Black and yellow wants to pull good earners in the private health insurance / Health News

Black-yellow deletes additional offers from the statutory health insurance funds - private health insurance should obviously benefit.

(18.08.2010) The dismantling of the statutory health insurance funds by the black and yellow government coalition continues. Most offers with which so far particularly good-earning members were lured, should be prohibited to the legal health insurance companies in the future. This is the next wave in the direction of private health insurance preprogrammed.

As the "Financial Times Germany" reported in its issue on Wednesday, have CDU and FDP in the reform of the health system, the intention to prohibit the statutory health insurance additional offers and optional tariffs and foreign health insurance.

The statutory health insurance funds have considerably increased their additional benefits in recent years, in particular the „earners“ to hold a change to private health insurance. So were electoral tariffs, such. As the chief physician treatment and accommodation in single or double room for hospital stays, so far a good option for customer loyalty and new acquisition, which many well-deserving insured used. However, according to the planning of the Federal Government, this is soon over, because statutory health insurance funds should be able to offer only tariffs with a deductible and reimbursement in the future, according to the report in the „Financial Times Germany“ citing information from coalition circles. According to them, the changes should be included in the bill on the reform of the health system in the coming weeks.

Jens Spahn, the spokesman for health policy of the CDU, has already officially confirmed these statements to the Reuters news agency and stated that the affected additional offers, optional tariffs and foreign insurance „not the task of the statutory health insurance“ are. „The Ministry of Health has therefore been commissioned to come forward with a proposal to clarify the electoral tariffs in a few weeks' time, pending the Cabinet decision on health care reform, "Spahn continued.

The fact that the statutory health insurance companies consider the plans accordingly critical, is easy to understand, because they are affected by the recent change projects of the governing coalition several times negative. Thus, the intended simplification of the change between private and statutory health insurance will be at the expense of the statutory insurance. The bottom line is the bill so that more and more well-paid, the statutory health insurance companies turn their backs and switch to a private health insurance (PKV). However, the solidarity in the health system is seriously threatened because left behind the low-income earners with frequent diseases that are not housed in any private health insurance. And since the governing coalition also wants to facilitate the change back to the statutory health insurance, these are charged twice. First, the high-earning members leave the statutory insurance and as soon as they get older, are often ill and the cost of their PKV rise, they return as a corresponding cost factor in the statutory health insurance. (Fp)

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