Fluctuating pollen flight Turbulent start of the year for allergy sufferers

Fluctuating pollen flight Turbulent start of the year for allergy sufferers / Health News
Changeable weather ensures strongly fluctuating pollen load
The changeable weather conditions of the past few weeks brought turbulent times for allergy sufferers. "The load situation for allergy sufferers jumps, because the pollen count fluctuates due to the unstable temperatures," according to the MedUni Vienna. In addition, the pollen in the face of mild winter this year earlier than usual in the air.

The birch, on whose pollen many people are allergic, will release more pollen from the end of March than in the previous year, reports the MedUni Vienna. People with pollen allergy should be prepared for this. It should also be considered in the case of supposed cold symptoms such as runny nose and sneezing, that instead of a cold, an allergy could also be present. In the latter case, the therapy should start early "to prevent onerous asthma or the emergence of other allergies," emphasizes the MedUni Vienna. How an allergy can be detected and treated, explained allergy experts at a press conference of the Austrian Pollen Warning Service of MedUni Vienna together with the information platform IGAV (Interest Group Allergen Prevention).

This year's hay fever has begun turbulent due to the changeable weather for allergy. (Image: djoronimo / fotolia.com)

Extremely multi-faceted spring
Citing the data of the Central Institute for Meteorology and Geodynamics, the MedUni Wien reports that the current winter was the second warmest in almost 250 years of measurement history. Last but not least, the changing cold and warm fronts have had an impact on the pollen season and ensured "an extremely diverse spring", explains Katharina Bastl from the Austrian Pollen Alert Service of the MedUni Vienna. Although theoretically due to the mild winter, an earlier flowering of alder and hazel was possible, but this was slowed down by the cold spells, the expert explains.

Pollen season significantly extended
Due to the spread of purpuria, the pollen season has basically been prolonged. This flower "by their Siberian genes up to two months before their domestic relatives and therefore prepares allergy sufferers already from mid-December problems," said the MedUni Vienna. In view of their relationship to hazel and birch, the purpurea not infrequently causes symptoms even in people with these allergies. "Where purple blood is spread, pollen-free time is reduced to just two months a year," says Katharina Bastl.

Ash and birch blossoms are approaching
With the onset of the ash bloom, which has already occasionally used at favorable locations, allergy sufferers, according to the expert expects the next load waves. However, "no explosive start of the season is to be expected, but the weather is still too unstable", so Bastl. For the birch also a somewhat earlier beginning of the pollen flight is predicted. "Depending on the weather of the next week, allergy sufferers can expect initial stress from the middle / end of March," reports MedUni Vienna. The amount of pollen is expected to be well above the usual average.

Course of the pollen season still unclear
According to Bastl, the extent of the allergy symptoms will depend on how the season starts and runs over the next few weeks. "If it gets warmer all the time, the season starts early but moderately," explains the expert. However, if the strong temperature fluctuations persist, the pollen count starts very suddenly or the pollen quantity increases again and again during the flight time, although the start was delayed, but the loads would be "significantly more intense than with a slowly increasing pollen count."

Diagnosis is often too late
In the press release of MedUni Vienna, the head of the Austrian Pollen Warning Service, Uwe E. Berger, explains that often too much time elapses before a diagnosis is made for hay fever patients. "On average, it takes eight to nine years for allergy sufferers to come to a specialist diagnosis and appropriate therapy. That's definitely too long, "says Berger. According to the expert, a closer examination is urgently needed if symptoms such as itching eyes, a runny or stuffy nose and sneezing attacks do not subside after one week and occur at about the same time each year. "To make it easier for allergy sufferers to make a doctor visit, we have integrated a clinically-tested self-test into our app and website," says the expert. With this service, the time from the onset of the first symptoms to a meaningful therapy is shortened and the occurrence of asthma is prevented.

Do not underestimate consequences of a pollen allergy
According to the experts, allergies are often underestimated. Many people are unaware of the potential consequences. Thus, an allergic inflammation in the direction of the lungs may expand and cause the emergence of new allergies. As a result, sufferers are exposed to their distressing symptoms not only during pollen, but throughout the year. "The earlier an allergy is detected, the sooner it can be adequately treated and the symptoms worsened," warns Erika Jensen-Jarolim of the Institute of Pathophysiology and Allergy Research at the MedUni Vienna. Particularly accurate, low-stress and ideally suited as a screening method for pollen allergies is the allergen microchip with over 100 allergen molecules. "The test is not possible everywhere, because it requires special knowledge for the interpretation of the comprehensive results," says Jensen-Jarolim.

Three pillars of therapy
If the pollen allergy is diagnosed, treatment will be based on three main pillars, reports MedUni Vienna. These are: "Avoid allergy triggers, alleviate symptoms with antiallergic drugs and, so to speak, beat the cause of the disease with one's own weapons - in the case of a pollen allergy with pollen allergens" (specific immunotherapy, SIT). The sooner the treatment is started, the better the allergy can be treated. Reinhart Jarisch, deputy director of the Floridsdorfer Allergiezentrums (FAZ), explains in the MedUni Wien press release regarding the third therapeutic pillar that the allergen that causes the disease is administered over a period of about three years in the form of syringes, drops or tablets. By slowly increasing the dose, a habituation effect develops and the immune system learns to "tolerate the allergy triggers again." (Fp)