Pregnancy sickness risk for mother & child

Pregnancy sickness risk for mother & child / Health News

Natural remedies help against nausea during pregnancy


The hospitalization of Duchess Kate Middleton due to severe pregnancy sickness has caused a massive media attention. The phenomenon occurs in a weakened form every year thousands of pregnant women. The President of the Professional Association of Gynecologists has given attention to the risks of excessive pregnancy vomiting in the current public interest and has given tips to alleviate the symptoms.

The pregnancy of Kate Middleton has become public through her hospitalization early. Apparently, the wife of Prince William suffered from such severe nausea and vomiting that there was a risk to her and the unborn child. Although this extreme form of pregnancy sickness is rather rare, many pregnant women know the recurrent attacks of vomiting in a more harmless form. The President of the Association of Gynecologists, Christian Albring, explained to the news agency "dpa" which measures of nausea can be easily counteracted.

Pregnancy sickness due to hormonal changes?
According to the statement, affected pregnant women should eat five to six small meals throughout the day, saying, "The less the woman eats, the better she chews, the better her digestion will be." Pregnancy with nausea and vomiting have to struggle to eat only what they really taste. Because otherwise they have to vomit faster, so the doctor. As a cause of the recurrent nausea Albring called the hormonal changes in the body of pregnant women. Often the nausea occurs especially in the morning, but women may also suffer the whole day. According to the expert, the pregnancy nausea usually took place "between the sixth and fourteenth weeks of pregnancy" and is "only rarely seen thereafter."

Severe vomiting poses a risk to pregnant women and their unborn child
According to the expert, the extreme form of pregnancy sickness that caused hospitalization by Kate Middleton only affects "two to three percent of women." Normally, pregnancy sickness "should not be treated in the hospital," Albring said. However, with repeated violent vomiting, women lose a great deal of fluid and vital nutrients, which may be dangerous for expectant mothers and then also for the child, depending on the duration of pregnancy sickness, said the gynecologist. If the attacks of vomiting persist for several days, it will be necessary to compensate for the fluid loss by infusion in the hospital. The affected persons receive sufficient fluid and nutrients via a drip and the digestive tract is relieved. Subsequently, the patients "slowly get a little firmer food until they get used to it", explained the expert.

Countermeasures for pregnancy sickness
For example, the president of the gynecologist association called multiple pregnancies, overweight and a woman's first pregnancy risk factors for severe pregnancy sickness. The mild forms of nausea, a pregnant woman can also counteract by over-the-counter dietary supplements based on vitamin B6. In addition, the experts recommend ginger as tea, in capsules or pure. In general, those affected should drink as much as possible and abstain from carbonated drinks as far as possible. In addition, Albring advises the affected pregnant women to consume many carbohydrates and tend to avoid fatty or acidic foods. Since the nausea is often triggered by odors, the sufferers should also air often and expose as strong as possible, such as cooked food or the refrigerator contents, explained the gynecologist. In naturopathy, acupuncture and acupressure are also successfully used to combat morning sickness.

Kate Middleton on the road to recovery
Duchess Kate Middleton has apparently almost overcome her severe pregnancy sickness. It is now her health better again, but it should remain for a few days to observe in the hospital, British media report. Presumably on Friday, the wife of Prince William will be able to return home. (Fp)

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