Pregnancy sickness remedies barely studied

Pregnancy sickness remedies barely studied / Health News

Medicines for pregnancy sickness are hardly explored


Women are often prescribed medications from their doctor for nausea and nausea during pregnancy, which were not originally intended for them. This is called „Off-label use“ designated. However, there are hardly any studies on how well they work with pregnant women. Some women rely on natural methods against the pregnancy symptoms anyway.

„Off-label use“ of medicines
For the nausea in pregnancy, doctors often prescribe drugs that were not originally intended. None of the common medicines for pregnancy sickness is expressly approved for the treatment of these complaints. The Institute for Quality and Efficiency in Health Care (IQWiG) points this out, according to a news agency dpa. Doctors may still prescribe common remedies such as doxylamine and medications containing substances such as dimenhydrinate, metoclopramide, and vitamin B6 for pregnancy sickness. This is called „Off-label use“ referred to, that translates meaningfully „improper use“.

Few efficacy studies
Women affected by IQWiG are advised to seek advice on the effects and side effects of the medication in such an application. According to the Institute, there are only a few studies on the efficacy of medicines for vomiting in pregnant women. Among other things, this is due to the fact that out of consideration for the child, it is hardly possible to conduct clinical trials and to test drugs. For this reason, it has not been sufficiently investigated in meaningful studies whether conventional remedies with active ingredients such as dimenhydrinate, which is generally administered for nausea, or metoclopramide, which stimulates the movement of the gastrointestinal tract, actually help pregnant women.

Find out by trying out what helps
But those affected can, to a certain extent, find out for themselves what helps them. It makes sense to try out simple advice. For example, some women swear by taking several small meals throughout the day. Ideally, they should be low in fat and light. It helps others to eat nothing in the morning and only drink lukewarm water, herbal or ginger tea, for example, until the morning sickness is over. Ginger is commonly used as a herbal alternative to drugs, as it is called on the page health IQWiG. For example, studies suggest that syrups or capsules containing 250 milligrams of the drug per dose, taken three to four times a day, may relieve symptoms.

Natural remedy for the discomfort
Women also report that they avoid foods they are particularly sensitive to, or stressful situations, heat or sounds. Experts suggest that pregnant women should take care of a lot of fresh air in their own home, as nausea is often triggered by certain odors. It is known that psychosocial factors such as stress, worry and strife can affect the duration and severity of vomiting. Some women use acupressure or acupuncture to relieve the mental tensions that often contribute to nausea. In some cases, aromatherapy may also be used, treating the malaise with essential oils.

Treatment in the hospital
Usually, pregnancy sickness occurs from the 6th to the 16th week. However, some women suffer less and the strength varies. As the IQWiG writes, about one in every 100 pregnant women experiences a particularly strong form of nausea. Then usually a treatment in the hospital is necessary because vomiting can lead to severe weight and fluid loss, which may be a danger to the child. With the help of infusions, sufferers in the hospital usually receive minerals and vitamins. (Ad)
