Pregnancy abstaining from alcohol is mandatory

Pregnancy abstaining from alcohol is mandatory / Health News

Pregnancy - abstinence from alcohol is required.

Thousands of children are born in Germany annually with alcohol damage. Thus, the doctors warn against a new thing that alcohol during pregnancy can act as poison. About 4,000 to 10,000 babies develop serious physical and mental damage every year as a result of the alcohol consumption of pregnant women. Twelve to fifteen percent of expectant mothers consume alcohol at least once a month, and the baby gets directly into the bloodstream of the unborn child via the placenta.

Small amounts of alcohol are dangerous for the baby.
Already the consumption of small amount is considered as potentially dangerous for the children, since they can not break down the alcohol like an adult organism and are therefore exposed to the damaging effect ... The possible consequences are many and can, according to the pediatrician Prof. Hans-Jürgen Spohr ranging from mild concentration problems to severe damage in mental and motor development, growth disorders and facial deformities. Often, the children have to suffer the consequences of their lives for a lifetime. Thus, Prof. Hans-Jürgen Spohr reminds on the occasion of the .„Day of the alcohol-damaged child“ on September 9 that this „a mortgage for life“ and there are the doctors „Not knowing exactly when and how much alcohol affects each phase of pregnancy, women should refrain from using any glass as soon as they know they are pregnant“.

Prof. Hans-Jürgen Spohr leads the gynecologist Prof. Joachim Dudenhausen at the Berlin Charité, one of the few German counseling centers for children with Fetalem Alcohol Syndrome (FAS) or Alcohol Embryopathy (AE). The advisory center was initiated by the „Foundation for the disabled child“. The doctors diagnose with the help of „4-point inspection program“ for the time being the damage to the affected children. Because according to Prof. Spohr is „the biggest help for the family (...) most of the time, that those affected finally know what's going on“. However, there are no chances for a cure, but the FAS patients can only be offered different therapeutic approaches to better cope with everyday life, depending on the nature of the disability: the long-term data are also sobering. 70 percent of those affected can not live as adults without care and nine out of ten were without a job. Thus, according to Prof. Spohr „severely alcohol-damaged children (...) adults who rarely get along with life. And young men have a hard time“.

In addition to Down syndrome, FAS is the most common cause of congenital disability, although in 100 percent of cases, it could be avoided. Absolutely abstaining from alcohol during pregnancy and breastfeeding is a must, as the alcohol not only enters the baby's bloodstream through the placenta but also through the breast milk and can subsequently lead to severe psychological and physical damage. In addition, should also on the consumption of other toxins such. As nicotine be dispensed with. Women who, because of their personal addiction, can not do without alcohol or other drugs during pregnancy, are strongly advised to seek medical help and speak openly about their problem. For even worse than the consumption of harmful substances during pregnancy is when the mothers-to-be are silent out of shame and neither the child nor they can be helped. In general, a conversation with the doctor about the endangerment of the unborn child by the consumption of drugs and stimulants is never wrong. (Fp)

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If desired after children no alcohol
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Image: Templermeister,