Pregnancy Consumption of seafood promotes subsequent fertilization

Pregnancy Consumption of seafood promotes subsequent fertilization / Health News

How does the consumption of seafood affect pregnancies??

Our diet has a major impact on the human body, so it's not surprising that it affects our libido and the likelihood of pregnancy. Researchers have now found that eating seafood is associated with higher sexual activity and increased chances of getting pregnant.

Scientists at the internationally acclaimed Harvard TH Chan School of Public Health found in their recent research that seafood consumption has a positive impact on our sex lives and the likelihood of successful fertilization. The physicians published the results of their study in the English-language journal "Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism".

Eating fish and seafood increases your chances of getting pregnant. (Image: Jacek Chabraszewski - fotolia)

Data from 501 pairs were examined

The investigation evaluated the information from 501 couples who attempted to conceive. The participants were medically supervised over a period of one year. Especially the daily consumption of seafood and the sexual activity were observed.

Seafood boosts sexual activity

The results of the study show that eating seafood can increase sexual activity and increase the likelihood of pregnancy. Couples eating seafood on a regular basis led to an increased frequency of intercourse of 22 percent. On days when both partners consumed seafood, the likelihood of sexual activity was 39 percent higher, study authors say.

Likelihood of pregnancy has been increased

By the end of the year, 92 percent of the study's couples who consumed seafood more than twice a week had successfully started pregnancy, compared with 79 percent of couples who did not consume the diet.

What causes the increase in sexual activity?

Although an increase in sexual activity could be a behavioral mechanism that combines the inclusion of seafood with higher fertility, this is not the only mechanism, says study author Audrey Gaskins, a nutritionist from the Harvard TH Chan School of Public Health. The scientists explain that the observed relationship between seafood and fertility, independent of sexual activity, can be driven by improving semen quality, menstrual cycle function (eg, increasing ovulation and progesterone levels), and embryo quality, when people consume many seafood and (omega-3 ) Eat fatty acids.

How much fish should adults eat??

Doctors generally advise adults to eat at least two servings of fatty fish such as salmon, mackerel, herring and tuna per week. These foods are particularly rich in omega-3 fatty acids, which are associated with a lower risk of heart disease and stroke.

How much fish should pregnant women eat??

Women who are pregnant or planning to become pregnant are currently being instructed in the dietary guidelines to not consume more than three servings of fish per week to avoid exposure to mercury. Contamination by mercury can cause birth defects and mercury is highly prevalent in shark, swordfish, mackerel and tuna, say the experts.

What were the differences between men and women??

At the beginning of the current study, researchers asked couples how many times they had eaten tuna, crabs, fish and shellfish caught in local waters or in unknown locations over the past 12 months. "Men who ate more seafood the year before the study tended to have sex more often than men who consumed less seafood, but there was no significant difference in women," say the physicians. The probabilities for conception do not seem to have been influenced by how many seafood were eaten the year before the study, the researchers report.

The researchers report that the subjects' seafood consumption did not appear to be influenced by factors such as income, education, physical activity or body weight. Unfortunately, it was not clear which species of fish humans were eating, which could affect their exposure to mercury, the authors explain. (As)