Shoulder pain often at night

Shoulder pain often at night / Health News

Shoulder pain usually at night: Nocturnal suffering can have many causes


Falling asleep and waking up in the middle of the night through tormenting pain in the arm, shoulder and neck - this affects every tenth German. Those affected, who have been particularly bad, often find no peace at night. In some cases, the permanent lack of sleep leads to concentration problems, headaches or even depression. Specialists from orthonet-NRW, a consortium of established orthopedic specialists in North Rhine-Westphalia, recommend comprehensive examinations with orthopedic surgeons for frequently occurring shoulder pain in order to find out the causes.

„There are many disorders that cause shoulder disease. Most of the complaints occur at night, because the gap in the shoulder joint by calcifications, tendon tears or the so-called bottleneck syndrome shrinks. This creates pressure on nerves and shoulder soft parts and makes those affected start in pain“, explains Dr. Wolfgang Mertens, practicing orthopedist and board member of orthonet-NRW. In addition, muscles and tendons from the age of 40 wear out and shoulder problems occur more. Working and sports such as golf and tennis, where arms are often taken overhead, additionally burden shoulders. „During the day, discomfort often disappears, because then the arms hang down on the body, increasing the joint space and thus reducing the pressure in the shoulder“, explains Dr. Mertens. But the pain remains at night.

To find out the causes, orthopedic surgeons use a comprehensive physical examination of the shoulder and, if necessary, examine the joint with ultrasound, X-ray or magnetic resonance tomography. Often suffering afflicted already a conservative treatment with drugs, injections and exercise therapy. If these measures do not bring the desired success, an operation can usually not be avoided. However, a minimally invasive procedure usually provides a reliable remedy and puts an end to the nocturnal pain attacks. Those who visit an orthopedist early enough often come around an OR. A targeted shoulder training contributes to the gentle therapy. To find out which condition causes nighttime pain, orthopedic surgeons look for causes and help to eliminate shoulder pain and to ensure long-term freedom from symptoms. (Pm)