Shoulder pain, heel spur and co radiation therapy not only works for cancer

Shoulder pain, heel spur and co radiation therapy not only works for cancer / Health News
Radiotherapy does not just work for cancer
In radiation therapy, almost everyone thinks of cancer immediately. However, around one third of all diseases that are treated by radiation are benign. However, the doses used to treat conditions such as shoulder pain or arthrosis are significantly lower than those for cancer therapy.

Irradiation not only for cancer
When the word "radiation" is used, most people think spontaneously of cancers that need to be contained and treated in this way. But about one third of all diseases treated by radiation are benign. This resulted in a Germany-wide query in the radiotherapeutic centers, reported the University Hospital Münster (UKM) in a statement.

The word radiotherapy most probably immediately think of cancer. But about one third of all diseases treated by radiation are benign. (Image: bittedankeschön /

Treatment of inflammatory and degenerative diseases
"In any case, the term radiotherapy is first of all connoted with cancer," said Drs. Jan Kriz, Senior Consultant at the Department of Radiation Therapy - Radiation Oncology.

"What many do not know: We also treat many patients with benign diseases that respond well to low-dose radiation. The number of those who come to us with non-malignant diseases is growing steadily. "

Many inflammatory and degenerative diseases such as heel spurs, tennis elbow, shoulder pain and arthritis of the various joints can be treated this way.

Lower radiation dose
The UKM reports on the patient Marion Wigger, who came to the hospital with a painful joint inflammation.

According to the experts, the heel spur had to be irradiated six times during their three-week treatment.

"But then I was immediately completely free of complaints again," said Wiggers. "Without painkillers or injections!"

Since the radiation dose is set far below the doses that must be used for cancer therapy, according to the UKM hardly any side effects occur.

Irrespective of the individual complaints, the radiation also has a pain-inhibiting effect. Especially shoulder pain and heel spurs respond well to radiotherapy. (Ad)