Does the Mediterranean diet protect us from dementia?

Does the Mediterranean diet protect us from dementia? / Health News

Physicians are studying the impact of Mediterranean diet on dementia

Dementia is a widespread disease, which often leads to the death of those affected. Physicians have long sought ways and means to reduce the risk of developing the disease later in life. Researchers now found that a Mediterranean diet can protect against the onset of dementia.

Alzheimer's Society scientists have found in their current research that a healthy Mediterranean diet can protect against the development of dementia. The doctors published a press release on the results of their study.

A Mediterranean diet is good for your health and protects against various diseases. Researchers have now found that such a diet seems to protect against the onset of dementia. (Image: kab-vision /

Mediterranean diet protects against heart attack and stroke

Although dementia has a genetic component, recent studies support the theory that lifestyle plays a greater role in determining risk. A so-called Mediterranean diet is often touted for its health benefits and associated with a lower risk of stroke or heart attack. There is some evidence that such a diet can also reduce the risk of some forms of dementia.

How can I protect myself from dementia??

The best way to reduce the risk of developing dementia is to adapt to various lifestyle aspects, including eating certain foods, exercising regularly, abstaining from smoking, and maintaining normal blood pressure and cholesterol levels.

What does a Mediterranean diet entail??

There is some evidence that a Mediterranean-style diet can reduce the risk of developing memory and thinking problems. This also reduces the risk of developing some forms of dementia, explain the physicians. A so-called Mediterranean diet is rich in fruits, vegetables, legumes and cereals. It also contains a moderate intake of fatty fish and dairy products, low in meat, sugar and saturated fat. Most of the fat in this type of diet comes from olive oil.

Mediterranean diet reduces risk of type 2 diabetes

Men from Mediterranean regions who followed the traditional diet had lower rates of heart attack, the researchers report. Various studies have also shown that this type of diet is associated with reduced risks of stroke, type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease and premature death. These studies have also shown that a more rigorous diet could be accompanied by a slower decline in memory and thinking.

Study was a systematic review

A recent study has now brought together all the existing findings on the Mediterranean diet in terms of memory and mental problems and dementia. This is to evaluate the potential benefits of this type of diet. Such an investigation is called a systematic review. This systematic review is a good tool for evaluating existing evidence and understanding where there is consensus, if there is one, explain the authors of the study.

Many studies were not included in the current study, either because they were not done strictly enough or because the diet was not sufficiently considered. The evaluated studies seem to show a connection between the Mediterranean diet and lower memory and mental problems.

Antioxidants protect the brain

High levels of antioxidants from fruits and vegetables can help protect against some of the damage to brain cells associated with Alzheimer's disease. Inflammations in the brain are commonly associated with Alzheimer's. There are indications that the Mediterranean diet reduces these inflammatory processes. This diet is also associated with lower cholesterol levels. High levels of cholesterol, according to recent research, are associated with memory and thinking problems, the researchers explain.

People from the Mediterranean generally live healthier lives?

Although the results of this analysis of several studies are very promising, it is noteworthy that other major recent studies have shown no similar trends. It is important to know that these were so-called observational studies. These could determine no direct cause and effect. People from the Mediterranean could simply have a healthier lifestyle that causes a difference in memory and thinking issues. This difference does not have to be due to the diet alone, the authors explain. However, for most people, the Mediterranean diet remains a good way to ensure a healthy diet that may be important for maintaining brain function. (As)