Does chocolate protect you from a heart attack?

Does chocolate protect you from a heart attack? / Health News

According to a study, the consumption of chocolate should have a positive effect on the cardiovascular system: Chocolate can reduce the risk of stroke by 50 percent.

According to a study, the regular consumption of chocolate should have a positive effect on the cardiovascular system. According to the long-term study, the consumption of chocolate reduces the risk of strokes and heart attacks. The reason for this is the cocoa content in the chocolate, which has a blood sediment effect.

A long-term study of the European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition (EPIC) from Potsdam was attended by around 20,000 volunteers from all over Europe. The participants compared how a regular dose of chocolate affects the organism. Some of the participants regularly consumed chocolate and the other part did not. For about eight years, follow-up examinations were conducted to compare the results.

During the EPIC long-term study, 166 participants had a heart attack, 24 subjects died of the infarction. A stroke suffered 136 people, with 12 people died. Those with the highest chocolate intake had a 27 percent lower incidence of heart attack compared to the low-consumption group of subjects. The proportion of stroke risk even decreased by a whopping 50 percent compared to participants who consumed less chocolate.

Dark chocolate with a high cocoa content is best.
The choice of chocolate is crucial. Because the higher the cocoa content of the chocolate, the higher the blood-lowering effect. Compared to other studies on the natural effects of cocoa, the blood pressure difference was lower. That was because the subjects had a taste for whole milk chocolate. It can be concluded that especially dark chocolate with a high cocoa content is best suited to lower the blood pressure. Responsible for lowering blood pressure are flavanols, which have an advantageous effect on the elasticity of the blood vessels.

In another study on the effect of dark chocolate, it has even been found that these act as new "cancer killers" in addition to other natural substances. Traditional medicine has been recognizing the positive effects of natural substances for several years and proves this with numerous studies. Ultimately, the studies also prove the arguments of naturopathy. (sb, 31.03.2010)

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