Addicted to the solarium?

Addicted to the solarium? / Health News

Frequent tanning can lead to addiction. Researchers from the Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center in New York found out.

(20.04.2010) Frequent solarium tanning can lead to addiction. Researchers from the Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center in New York found out. According to the results of the study, around one third of users display solaria symptoms of addiction. Users can not stop despite medical warnings. For years, scientists and physicians warn of the health dangers of artificial tanning in the solarium. Some people can not stop even with already existing skin diseases. Physicians at the New York Cancer Center now assume that one factor is addiction to suntan.

In a study, doctors around Catherine Mosher interviewed 421 college students. The subjects had to complete two different questionnaires. The special feature: The bows are actually used to prove alcohol abuse to detect symptoms of addiction. The arc was rewritten to the user behavior of solariums. In addition, students were tested for the susceptibility of anxiety disorders, depression and drug use. The result was amazing. Of the respondents, 229 subjects regularly use the artificial tanning bed. About one third showed symptoms of addiction. The third of respondents were more likely to use drugs than students without solarium. (Sb)