Addicted to work - This is how workaholic begins

Addicted to work - This is how workaholic begins / Health News
Addicted to work - Workaholics is all about the job
Most people usually look forward to the end of work or the weekend. For some people, however, this is different: they can not stop working. At Workaholics, almost everything is about the job. But in many cases, workaholics are not very productive, despite many overtime hours. And they do not do any good to their health.
Workaholism is widespread
Some people work a lot, some more and some can not stop it. Workaholism is not so rare: For example, the AOK several years ago pointed out that at least one in nine workers in Germany was addicted to work. However, the addiction - similar to the burn-out - is not universally defined, as the psychologist Stefan Poppelreuter explained in a message from the news agency dpa. The occupational psychologist has published several books on workaholism, which also discuss what happens when the job eats the soul. Between 200,000 and 300,000 people are affected, according to estimates in this country.

Working day and night ... Image: Innovated Captures - fotolia

Malaise in idleness
However, not everyone who works excessively and provides many hours in the office is already addicted. "Rather, it is about the fact that you can not let go of the work and you think the world collapses without your own performance," explained Poppelreuter. A psychological study showed that those affected feel uncomfortable when they are not working. "Workers need the feeling of being permanently productive and needed," said Prof. Ute Rademacher, a lecturer at the International School of Management (ISM) in Hamburg.

Workaholics are often very inefficient
It is not always easy to recognize where the limit is. "Anyone who can switch off the phone and the computer and enjoy a day with the family without thinking about work need not worry," says Poppelreuter. But if that does not work anymore, it will be difficult. Frequently, workaholics are the first to get there in the morning and go last. However, they are not always productive. In many cases workaholics are very inefficient. "You can not delegate, set priorities, and are not good at working with others," said the psychologist.

No difference between women and men
There is no difference between men and women in terms of the number of workaholics. But in the helping and creative professions and among the self-employed more people are represented with a tendency to addictive behavior, said Poppelreuter. Often work is an escape from other conflicts in life. Workaholics are often driven. "Many lack the inner fulfillment," said Werner Gross, co-founder of the Psychological Forum Offenbach, according to dpa. At this point, friends and relatives can often recognize the addiction. "The workaholics are physically present, but mentally absent, do not follow conversations and constantly write mail," says Poppelreuter.

Addiction with physical effects
Workaholism makes you sick. Common consequences include physical complaints such as headaches, stomach problems such as gastric ulcers or sleep disorders. On non-working hours the addicts react with, among other things, sweats, palpitations, depression or irritability. According to health experts, many sufferers also experience psychosomatic disorders such as functional heart problems and psychosocial problems such as family conflicts or loss of friendships. So body and psyche give a kind of stop signal.

Communicate with other workaholics
However, not all workaholics always have to go into a lengthy therapy. "The first step is to try it yourself, to talk to confidants." In addition, there are various self-help groups for mental health. Help is provided by the initiative "Anonymous Workaholics" (AAS). Here, those affected can also seek a self-help group in their environment, where they can communicate with other work addicts. But if that is not enough, professionals are in demand. Then psychotherapy or even inpatient rehabilitation can help. Many therapists specialize in addiction. However, there can rarely be a permanent cure, as Poppelreuter explained. "The goal of treatment can not be abstinence, work is too important and necessary," says the expert. (Ad)