Addictions Rapid implementation of the tobacco advertising ban planned

Addictions Rapid implementation of the tobacco advertising ban planned / Health News
Long been decided - but not implemented: Minister wants to implement tobacco ban quickly
A recent study found that one in ten deaths worldwide is caused by smoking. A means in the fight against the tobacco consumption is the advertising prohibition for cigarettes. Germany is in the bottom of the league in tobacco advertising in Europe. The Federal Minister of Nutrition now wants to implement the long-adopted ban quickly.

Every year more than 120,000 deaths from tobacco consumption
Smoking is the biggest preventable health risk. In Germany alone, over 120,000 people die every year from the effects of tobacco consumption. That's more than ten percent of all deaths. Smokers not only get sick and die of lung cancer. Who smokes, also increases his risk for several other cancers and other diseases such as smoker's or smoker's cough, asthma, chronic bronchitis and heart attack and stroke. The advertising agency for tobacco products is a means in the fight against smoking. Germany lags far behind in this area. A CSU minister wants to change that now.

Every year, more than 120,000 people die from the effects of smoking in Germany. In order to keep young people from tobacco consumption in particular, it was decided to restrict advertising for cigarettes and co.
But in the Bundestag, the tobacco advertising ban has not yet come to a vote. (Image: underdogstudios /

Germany is in last place in Europe
"When it comes to tobacco advertising, Germany is in last place in Europe. Tobacco advertising is prohibited in almost all EU Member States. Tobacco advertising is only partially allowed in Bulgaria, "states a statement by the Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture.

Although the Federal Cabinet passed a draft amendment in April 2016, which provides for further restrictions on the advertising of tobacco products and electronic cigarettes, it has not yet been voted on in the Bundestag.

Minister of Food Christian Schmidt (CSU) therefore called on all political groups to agree on the draft bill before the general election. Tobacco advertising creates addiction. "There's no difference between tobacco and cannabis for me," the minister told newspapers in the Funke media group.

Smoking is the biggest preventable health risk
Last year, Schmidt stated: "As Minister for Health Consumer Protection, my goal is to protect people from the biggest preventable health risk: smoking. For me, the health consumer protection of children and young people in the foreground. "

Among other things, the bill provides for a ban on outdoor advertising from 1 July 2020. Furthermore, cinema advertising is only allowed in connection with films that are marked with "No youth release".

It also provides for a ban on free cigarettes, roll-your-own tobacco and hookah tobacco. Cigars, cigarillos, pipe tobacco and smokeless tobacco products should be delivered free of charge from May 20, 2020 only at the premises of the relevant specialist retailer.

In addition, nicotine-free electronic cigarettes and refill containers should be included in the regulation.

The German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ) also recently criticized the fact that too little is being done in this country against tobacco consumption. Germany continues to be a smoker's paradise. In the European comparison of tobacco control measures, only fewer measures were taken in Austria to combat tobacco consumption. (Ad)