Chocolate reduces the risk of stroke

Chocolate reduces the risk of stroke / Health News

Chocolate reduces the risk of stroke in women


From time immemorial, the chocolate has been said to promote health. Several studies have already shown that regular moderate consumption of preferably dark chocolate has a positive effect on the cardiovascular system. A recent Swedish long-term study has now revealed that the risk of stroke is reduced when women eat a lot of chocolate.

A study published today by Swedish scientists at the Karolinska Institute in Stockholm showed that eating chocolate can significantly reduce the risk of stroke. Earlier research had already shown that eating chocolate regularly has a positive effect on blood pressure. The study director Susanna Larsson said in the journal "Journal of the American College of Cardiology," although previous work could prove a hypotensive effect, but „our study is the first to establish a clear context between chocolate and strokes“.

The higher the chocolate consumption the lower the number of strokes
During the course of the study, in 1997, the researchers questioned about 33,000 Swedish women between the ages of 49 and 83 years of age about their daily dietary habits. Participants were asked by questionnaire how often they ate chocolate a year before. In addition, 95 other foods were queried in the bow. In the following ten years, 1600 subjects suffered an apoplexy. While other risk factors such as age, weight and pre-existing conditions were included in the calculation, the scientists found that most women who had a stroke consumed the least chocolate at zero to eight grams per week. According to this, the team of researchers was able to determine that women were the most likely to suffer from a stroke whose consumption of chocolate was the least pronounced. Study participants who consumed the most chocolate rarely had a stroke, unlike the other women.

Dark chocolate at its best
The most common medical recommendation is to eat only dark chocolate with a high percentage of cocoa. In this study, however, researchers dispensed with the distinction between dark dark chocolate and pale milk chocolate. In the 90s, according to statistical surveys with a share of 90 percent, especially light chocolate eaten, as the study author Larssion stressed. If the scientists had differentiated more accurately between the two varieties in the evaluation, the relationship would have been even more significant, said the researcher. For it is not the chocolate as such that develops the protective effect, but the cocoa contained. Cocoa contains phytochemicals (flavonoids), which are also found in green tea, onions or red wine. They have an antioxidant effect, are considered radical scavengers, support the immune defense and protect against cardiovascular diseases. The study author emphasized that the protective effect could very well be transferred to men. Further research will follow. „We expect a similar result“, so the summary.

Less heart attacks by chocolate consumption
In August of this year, researchers at the University of Cambridge in England demonstrated that continuous consumption of chocolate minimizes the risk of serious cardiovascular disease (chocolate protects against heart attacks). Subjects who consumed a lot of cocoa showed a 37 percent lower risk of heart disease such as heart attack. Again, it was found that the risk of stroke was reduced by 29 percent when participants consumed a lot of chocolate. Responsible for this are the plant dyes, they bind very reactive, cell-damaging substances, so-called free radicals. But the researchers warned against excessive consumption of commercial chocolate. This produces depending on disposition overweight and „Obesity is considered a risk factor for the development of hypertension, diabetes and cardiovascular diseases.“ Therefore, the consumption of preferably dark chocolate should be moderate, so the recommendation. (Sb)

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Image: Simone Hainz