Chocolate protects against heart attacks

Chocolate protects against heart attacks / Health News

Cocoa reduces risk of cardiovascular disease and heart attacks


Chocolate apparently reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease and heart attacks. As part of a comprehensive meta-study, the British researchers headed by Oscar Franco of the University of Cambridge evaluated seven studies with more than 114,000 participants.

The result: A very high intake of cocoa products reduces the risk of heart attacks and cardiovascular diseases by 37 percent compared to subjects who enjoy no or hardly any cocoa products. Also, the risk of stroke is lower for people with high cocoa consumption by 29 percent, report Oscar Franco and colleagues in the latest issue of the magazine „British Medical Journal“. According to the British scientists, the beneficial effect of cocoa probably comes from the flavonol contained.

It has long been known that a high cocoa content in chocolate has a positive effect on high blood pressure. So had Australian researchers from the University of Adelaide mid-last year in the science magazine „BMC Medicine“ A study published that high-cocoa chocolate lowers blood pressure in high blood pressure patients. Now, in their meta-study, Oscar Franco and colleagues from the University of Cambridge conclude that cocoa has a general preventative effect on heart attacks and cardiovascular disease. The contained flavonoids (plant dyes), cell-damaging free radicals are bound in the organism, which brings a significant reduction in the risk of heart attacks, vascular and cardiovascular diseases, the scientists explain „British Medical Journal“. Thus, high chocolate consumption could bring significant health benefits.

No general recommendation for higher chocolate consumption
Despite the observed positive effects of cocoa consumption, however, no general recommendation can be made for increased chocolate consumption, said the British scientists. Because chocolate is extremely sugary and high in calories, excessive consumption would likely result in significant weight gain, which in turn would be a risk factor for high blood pressure and cardiovascular disease, explained Oscar Franco and colleagues. In addition, obesity is considered a risk factor for a variety of other health problems such as strokes or diabetes, so that use as a long-term therapy seems rather questionable. According to the experts, further research is needed to clearly demonstrate the positive effects of chocolate consumption, taking into account possible health impairments. According to the experts, the further positive side effects of chocolate consumption found in previous studies, such as the reduction of the risk of cancer and depression, should also be examined more closely. (Fp)

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Image: Simone Hainz