Runny viruses depending on the sugar metabolism

Runny viruses depending on the sugar metabolism / Health News

New findings and possible therapeutic approaches against colds

Rhinoviruses are predominantly responsible for upper respiratory tract infections such as runny nose. They are very widespread and cause high economic damage due to workers' outages. Despite its widespread occurrence, there is no effective treatment against the classic pathogen of the cold. A Viennese research team has now gained new insights into rhinoviruses. Apparently the viruses are dependent on the sugar supply of the affected cells. Without this supply, no proliferation can take place.

A research team at MedUni Vienna has found that rhinoviruses, which are responsible for many viral colds, are dependent on the sugar metabolism of the cells they are infected. So that they can reproduce strongly, they change the metabolism of the cells. The scientists were able to show that blockage of energy production in the infected cells led to a strong reduction of virus multiplication. The study results were recently published in the journal "PNAS".

Despite widespread use, there are currently no effective therapies for viral colds. A Viennese research team has now found in a study a possible target for Mekikamente. (Image: pictworks /

The viruses do not have their own metabolism

"In the absence of an independent metabolism, viruses are dependent on the supply of their host cells," explains the lead author of the study Guido Gualdoni in a press release on the study results. The cell supply provides the building blocks for the rapid multiplication of viruses.

Cold viruses as nutrient thieves

The Viennese scientists infected cells in the laboratory with the common cold viruses (RV-B14) and documented the changes in the metabolism. "The RV infection was accompanied by a significant increase in sugar metabolism," the experts report. The viruses manipulated the metabolism of the cells. Thus, according to the researchers showed a decrease in the oxidation of fats. Instead, the production of fatty acids in the infected cell was stimulated and more nutrients from the cell's environment were claimed.

Without supply no reproduction

In further investigations, the research team blocked the sugar metabolism of the infected cells and turned on the supply tap for the viruses. This had drastic consequences for the viruses, which consequently could hardly multiply. However, the host cells themselves were not affected by the blockage. From this, the scientific team concludes that the high-speed sugar metabolism of rhinovirus-infected cells is particularly important for viral propagation.

New drugs and therapy options

Recent research suggests that sugar metabolism may serve as a potential target for new and effective antiviral drugs for colds and colds. Since rhinoviruses are responsible for the vast majority of upper respiratory virus infections, such drugs could be of great interest. In addition, there is currently no effective treatment against these viruses, the researchers report.

What to do against flu infections

Who currently suffers from flu-like symptoms, may have contracted a summer flu. Rhino and coronaviruses are primarily responsible for the winter flu. Coxsackie, entero or echoviruses are the main cause of summer disease. If a new generation of anti-viral drugs comes on the market, it will take a while. As long as those affected still have to resort to the classical means, such as:

  • Home remedies for flu,
  • Home remedies for colds,
  • effective home remedies for sore throat,
  • natural home remedies for cough,
  • Home remedy for nasal mucosal inflammation.

A real flu can be dangerous

A true flu can be a serious illness. Just last winter of 2017/18, a severe flu epidemic hit Germany, causing massive deaths. If the symptoms suddenly occur or do not disappear after a few days, it is important to consult a doctor. (Vb)