Painful sunburn Yoghurt, Quark and ASA relieve the symptoms

Painful sunburn Yoghurt, Quark and ASA relieve the symptoms / Health News
Home remedies and medicines: In severe sunburn help yogurt, cottage cheese and aspirin
In summery temperatures, many people are attracted to the pool. Others sun themselves on the balcony or on vacation on the beach. You should always take care to protect the skin sufficiently. However, if it does burn, medicines and home remedies can help against sunburn.

Every sunburn increases the risk of skin cancer
Many people love to stay outside in the garden, on the balcony, in the outdoor pool or even on the beach during summer temperatures. However, the power of the sun is often underestimated: As soon as you walk for an hour in the park, the skin is already tense and the face is bright red. It is best not to get so far, because every sunburn is added to your own skin account and increases the risk of developing skin cancer. If it does happen, various natural remedies and medicines can help.

In case of sunburn medications or home remedies such as cottage cheese and yoghurt can relieve the symptoms. Of course, it is better if you prevent and protect your skin. (Image: llhedgehogll /

Home remedies and medicines can help
If the skin was burned by the sun, among other things, acetylsalicylic acid - short ASS, help, said the Munich dermatologist Christoph Liebich from the professional association of German dermatologists in a message from the news agency dpa. Because "sunburn is ultimately an inflammation," said the physician.

As a home remedy for sunburn are also envelopes with quark or yogurt. These have a cooling and soothing effect. "The damage is still there," said Liebich. Only the pain can be contained.

The advice "Quark helps" is not shared by everyone. Claas Ulrich, Senior Physician and Head of the Skin Tumor Center at the Charité - Universitätsmedizin Berlin, said in an earlier dpa message: "Of course, that's nothing that can really be recommended."

He recommends to gently cool the inflammation, for example with the help of a cooling lotion, a skin care cream or cream.

It is better, of course, to protect the skin from sunbathing.

Ensure adequate sun protection
According to experts, this should always be based on the UV index and sufficiently lubricated with sunscreen.

It is important not to save on creaming and to use a high sun protection factor.

"For adequate protection, the skin needs around two milligrams of sunscreen per square centimeter of skin," explained Liebich.

That's at least 25 grams for a full-grown man. "If you put on too little, from a SPF 50 is quickly a factor 20." The cream must be reapplied every three hours. "Even if it appears that she is waterproof."

It should be noted that there is a particular danger when swimming, because sand and water reflect the harmful UV radiation.

Good sun protection is especially important for older people because their skin is more sensitive.

Some people do without protection
However, there are people who find it very important to get brown. They therefore refrain from a high SPF or sunscreen in general.

And that, although tan is not healthy. Liebich also sees it this way: "You actually have to consider tan as a skin disease," said the doctor.

Everyone should be aware that exposure to UV light not only results in faster aging of the skin, but also increases the risk of skin cancer. (Ad)