Painful intoxication Some injury hazards at the nicest thing of the world

Painful intoxication Some injury hazards at the nicest thing of the world / Health News

Scientists chose the most dangerous position
Accidents in love are more common than often thought. Most people just do not talk about it. Scientists in Brazil have been busy in which positions it can be particularly dangerous.

Accidents are not so rare
Emergency physicians are always busy with bizarre emergencies caused by accidents in the act of love. For example, items such as bottles, tools or rods often have to be removed from the openings of patients. In the intoxication of pleasure just a lot can happen. And not so seldom. According to health experts, accidents in sexual intercourse are even relatively common. In many cases, it can lead to a "penis fracture", which is accompanied by pain. Researchers in Brazil have been studying the positions that can lead to dangerous complications.

Injury Hazard included: What can happen during lovemaking. Picture: deagreez - fotolia

Dangerous positions
Brazilian scientists from the School of Medical Sciences of the University of Campinas (UNICAMP), together with colleagues, have investigated which positions can be problematic for the male member. As the most dangerous position they have identified the so-called riding position. This position poses a great risk, since the woman, while sitting on the man, shifts her entire weight to the man's sensitive body and controls the movement. In the case of a "wrong union" she could not react fast enough in the position. It is said that the rider position is responsible for about half of all penile fractures.

Relatively harmless positions
The researchers published their findings in the journal Advances in Urology. There they also reported on the relatively harmless positions. As a rather harmless, the so-called "doggy" was classified. It is said that only about 29 percent of penile fractures from traffic resulted in this position. And also the "missionary position" obviously harbors less danger for the man. According to the information, the risk of breakage here is 21 percent.

Pain-free traffic with back problems
Even Canadian researchers have dealt with different positions in the past. In her study, the focus was on which position is suitable for back pain to have sex without pain. One of the findings back then was that the often doctor-recommended spoon position, with both partners on one side, was not advisable for everyone. A concrete recommendation can not be made due to the different back problems. (Ad)