Pain, itching, oozing Treat hemorrhoids promptly

Pain, itching, oozing Treat hemorrhoids promptly / Health News
Hemorrhoids: Apothekerkammer Bremen advises early treatment
Hemorrhoids or haemorrhoidal disease - an issue that people do not like to talk about, even though about 50 percent of the population is affected for more than 30 years - men more often than women. Nevertheless, complaints are rather concealed. "Early treatment is important to prevent the hemorrhoids from getting worse," Dr. Richard Klämbt, President of the Apothekerkammer Bremen. Anyone who noticed mild symptoms, can be advised in the pharmacy. As part of self-medication, preparations with different active ingredients are available there.

Everyone has hemorrhoids. It is a vascular pad of arteries and veins, which together with the inner and outer sphincter provides for the fine sealing of the intestine. First and foremost, therefore, it is not fundamentally a disease. Only when it comes to symptoms such as itching, bleeding during bowel movements, pain, pressure and foreign body sensation due to enlarged hemorrhoids, is medically seen from hemorrhoidal disease.

Bleeding on the anus can be caused by hemorrhoids. (Image: bilderzwerg /

Four appeal stages
Normally, the hemorrhoids function like a cavernous body in that the sphincter relaxes during bowel movements and the blood flows back out of the hemorrhoidal pad. However, the blood vessels can dilate for different reasons and diminish the elasticity, so that blood accumulates in the vessels and the cushion grows nodular. The most important cause of enlarged hemorrhoids is excessive pressure or re-pressing during bowel movements, for example in the case of chronic constipation. But also overweight, a predominantly sedentary activity, an innate connective tissue weakness or even a pregnancy can promote a possible suffering. Although enlarged hemorrhoids often go unnoticed, in many cases it can also lead to the first typical symptoms.

"The complaints are divided into four stages," explains Klämbt. And even at the first signs of false shame is inappropriate: "Once the pain is there, they do not simply disappear again by themselves. The sooner the cause is clarified at the doctor, the less problematic and effective the treatment," said the President of the Chamber. First signs are usually bright red blood drops on the toilet paper. Due to the enlarged vessel upholstery, it can also happen that the fine sealing of the intestine no longer works smoothly and mucus and feces can escape. The irritated skin itches, itches and burns. In later stages, a foreign body sensation often occurs due to the increasing size of the hemorrhoids.

Four stages of hemorrhoidal disease:
Stage 1: The hemorrhoids are slightly enlarged and narrow the intestinal exit. Although nothing is visible from the outside, the doctor can recognize the enlargement with an after-mirror.

Stage 2: The hemorrhoids are already dilated so much that they come out when the chair is pressed out. Then they slip back into the intestine on their own.

Stage 3: The hemorrhoids are already so large that they come out of the anus during pressing, strenuous exercise or even longer running. By themselves they do not retreat, it has to be helped manually with a finger.

Stage 4: The hemorrhoids are enlarged so much that they push the entire inner lining of the anus outwards. Manually nothing can be done. The medical term for this stage is fixed afterrip or anal prolapse.

Next treatment options
As a first step, it is advisable for all concerned to ensure a balanced and high-fiber diet rich in fruits, vegetables and whole grains. Also, a sufficient fluid intake and regular exercise promotes intestinal activity and has a positive effect on the bowel movement. If the patient notices the first signs, they can temporarily be treated well with creams, ointments or suppositories. "For itching and pain, local anesthetics with the active ingredients lidocaine or quinisocaine are the drugs of first choice," says Klämbt. Hamamelis preparations have anti-inflammatory, astringent and hemostatic properties, bismuth salts promote wound healing and relieve discomfort.

Alternatively or in addition, the systemic intake of Aescin or Rutosiden, which are also taken in venous complaints, be tried.

"Furthermore, hygiene is an important issue. The irritated anal area should be cleaned best after defecation with soft toilet paper and additionally moist, perfume-free tissues, "advises the pharmacist. In addition, nourishing ingredients such as jojoba wax can be used. All these tips are only suitable for people with mild discomfort. "For all the others, only the doctor is the right person to talk to. This determines the degree of severity during the examination and knows which form of therapy - whether purely medicinal or surgical - is the right one. "In severe cases, local application with glucocorticoids is indicated. (Opm)