Recognize pain in animals

Recognize pain in animals / Health News

Recognize the pain of pets early and act


It is not always easy to clearly and accurately recognize pets' signals. If the animals suffer from pain, the first clues can help to initiate veterinary assistance. If pets refuse to feed or drink or eat very little, this could be the first indication of pain, Dr. Thomas Steidl, veterinarian of the German Medical Association in Berlin. The animals are also sensitive to touch and move less than usual. Living the animals with people in a household, so the pain-suffering animals withdraw more and more. If the animals have clear facial expressions, such as dogs and cats, they often show changes in the eyes or in the play on the ears. Who knows his animal well, will also be able to tell by the eyes that something is wrong.

Correct signals from the animals
If pain is present in the mouth or throat, many pets show altered chewing behavior. Other animals choke downright. If there is an infection in the gastrointestinal tract, the animals suffer from diarrhea and / or vomiting. If the abdominal wall is raised, pet owners can assume that their beloved pet suffers from abdominal pain. Barking, howling and whimpering are also important clues.

If symptoms occur, consult a veterinarian
If pain or altered behavior of the animals before, pet owners should not shy away from the road to the vet. If the symptoms are not pronounced and the cause is not severe, the owner and master may wait a few more days. If the symptoms are severe or worsen over time, a veterinarian should be consulted as soon as possible. Steidl.

Proper observation of animals
Since animals can not speak verbally, observation by humans is initially the first step in diagnostics. It is important to observe the animal in this way, without the pet being aware of it. At the same time the posture, the general behavior and feeding behavior should be observed. If the animals live together with other animals, changes in social behavior also play an important role. Pet owners should note the changes in order to have them present at a vet visit. (Sb)

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Image: Vera Winandy-Rank