Stroke risk at Christine Haderthauer

Stroke risk at Christine Haderthauer / Health News

Minister Haderthauer because of stroke danger in clinic


The CSU politician Christine Haderthauer has been taken to hospital. She may have barely escaped a stroke. The Bavarian State Chancellery is being treated for a narrowing of the internal carotid artery.

Dangerous narrowing of the carotid artery
The Head of the Bavarian State Chancellery, Christine Haderthauer, is being treated in hospital for a dangerous narrowing of the carotid artery. It is about his rare diagnosis, which is often made only after a stroke. But the change was recognized in time by the 51-year-old CSU politician. According to the State Chancellery, the Minister will now be treated with anticoagulants. A spokesman said it was a matter of luck that things went so well.

Rare diagnosis more likely in young people
For several days Mrs. Haderthauer complained of headaches and facial pain. In addition, be in the right ear „bruit“ occurred that has not disappeared. The politician initially suspected a sinus infection as the cause. Finally, an MRI examination revealed that the internal carotid artery was narrowed by a bulge in the inner wall of the vessel. It has been reported that the very rare diagnosis is more likely to occur in young than in older people.

Minimize the risk of thrombosis and stroke
The minister was then immediately taken to a hospital. To minimize the risk of stroke and thrombosis, the patient is now treated with anticoagulants. Mrs. Haderthauer is expected to stay for two weeks „out of action“ be, as the State Chancellery wrote. „More depends on the course.“ Rest and discipline are currently important for the healing process. The politician is very grateful to the doctors for their quick and determined action.“

Regular checkups
Every year around 270,000 people in Germany suffer a stroke. The main causes include so-called arteriosclerosis, an arterial hardening in which blood fats, thrombi, connective tissue and lime are deposited in the vascular walls of the arteries. Frequently, a bottleneck of the carotid artery is affected, which is largely responsible for the blood supply to the brain. Those affected often do not suspect the great health danger they are in, as the so-called stenosis (narrowing) runs for a long time without symptoms. By a simple medical ultrasound examination such a bottleneck can be diagnosed in time. Therefore, some experts recommend regular preventive care examinations to avoid strokes, especially in the case of risk factors such as smoking, hypertension, lipid metabolism disorders, diabetes or familial tendency to vascular disease. (Sb)