Recognize stroke correctly

Recognize stroke correctly / Health News

Syllabaries, paralysis, and dizziness may indicate an acute stroke


A stroke can be manifested by different symptoms. Speech disorders such as syllabic dizziness, dizziness, paralysis, numbness or headache do not necessarily indicate the life-threatening condition, taken alone. If there is a suspicion that it could be a stroke, the emergency doctor should always be called, advises Markus Wagner of the Foundation German Stroke Help. In conversation with the news agency „dpa“ the expert explains the typical symptoms of a stroke.

Typical symptoms of stroke
A stroke always occurs suddenly without notice. The symptoms that appear can be very different, reports Wagner. Problems in speaking and understanding may be an indication of the condition. But it could also numbness or paralysis occur. „This can feel like a sleepy foot, or feel like a fuzziness“, explains the expert. Usually only one half of the body is affected, depending on which side of the brain is affected by the vascular disorder. In addition, it could lead to symptoms such as dizziness or difficulty walking. Even visual disturbances are not uncommon, reports Wagner. These could express themselves in double images or a limited field of vision. As the last typical symptom of stroke the expert calls a severe headache. „As a rule, a stroke is not associated with pain.“ If a vein bursts in the brain, however, some patients may experience severe headaches.

Not all sufferers experience all the symptoms simultaneously. This sometimes makes it very difficult to recognize the emergency for the environment. Some patients experience only one of the symptoms. The ambulance should be called as soon as possible even with uncertainties, advises Wagner. „Do not even take over the rescue transport or call the family doctor first“, warns the expert. „Because you lose a lot, very much time.“

The time factor can decide on life and death in stroke. Depending on the cause of the acute circulatory disorder in the brain, it may be possible to prevent the death of brain cells. In a stroke, a vessel tears or closes in the brain. When a blood clot triggers the occlusion, doctors have about four and a half hours to dissolve the clot. If this fails, certain brain cells can not be further supplied and die. This happens even when a vessel breaks.

Risk factors for stroke
Among the risk factors for stroke may be between the so-called „white insult“ and the „red insult“ be differentiated. While at „white insult“ clogged a cerebral artery, so that the affected area can no longer be adequately supplied and eventually dies, it is the „red insult“ to a brain hemorrhage. The latter is mainly favored by hypertension (high blood pressure). The risk factors for vascular congestion include nicotine consumption, diabetes mellitus, lipid metabolism disorders, pill intake and hypertension. Obesity is also associated with an increased risk of stroke. (Ag)

Picture: Uta Herbert