Sleep problems No screen and alcohol in the evening

Sleep problems No screen and alcohol in the evening / Health News
If you have problems sleeping in the evening, do not use your computer, tablet or smartphone

Many people have trouble sleeping. Most sufferers find it hard to switch off in the evening because the stress and strains of the day are still having an effect. While one person can not fall asleep, the other wakes up many times during the night - a good night's sleep is out of the question. Martina Riepold, non-medical practitioner and lecturer for relaxation procedures, gives the journal "Naturarzt" (June 2015 issue) tips for relaxed sleeping.

Screens, smartphones or even alcohol: All these things prevent you from falling asleep. Picture: by Lieres / fotolia

Those who move a lot during the day can sleep better in the evening
Anyone who has trouble sleeping should refrain from working in the bedroom, according to the expert. Because that makes it easier to switch off. In addition, "a fixed bedtime helps to develop a regular sleep rhythm". It should "deviations amount to a maximum of half an hour". During the day, an extended nap is taboo, because that also upsets the natural sleep rhythm. A power nap of ten to 20 minutes usually does not hurt.

Riepold also points out that exercise during the day promotes a healthy sleep, because who is active during the day, comes in the evening better to rest.

Relaxation exercises can help you fall asleep
"Relaxation exercises such as progressive muscle relaxation, autogenic training, yoga, Qi Gong and Tai Chi, as well as meditation sessions are suitable for switching off when the affected person is suffering from tension and inner restlessness". A warm bath before bed or a soothing aroma massage also have a relaxing effect.

It is less conducive, on the other hand, to eat on the sofa during the evening television. Even the bright blue light of computers, tablets or smartphones should be avoided at least two hours before going to bed, according to the expert.

If you like to have a nightcap in the evening, you should avoid alcohol. Because this can indeed help falling asleep, but causes disturbances when falling asleep, so that the sleep is not restful. Even small amounts of alcohol can have this effect.

In case of persistent sleep problems consult a doctor
If you still can not sleep, do not roll around in bed, but get up and distract yourself. If the problems persist for over a month and occur at least three days a week, it is a so-called insomnia (sleep disorder), reports Riepold. Often, mental causes are the cause of sleep disorders such as stress, relationship problems, work overload or depression. Also, physical causes such as diabetes or thyroid disease can cause the problems. Patients should be examined and advised by their GP. (Ag)