Sleep problems Women generally sleep worse than men

Sleep problems Women generally sleep worse than men / Health News
Study found that women generally sleep worse than men
Are you one of those people who sometimes wake up tired in the morning because you did not sleep well half the night? Then you should know how single mothers feel. These are according to an American survey, the group of people with the least sleep or the greatest lack of sleep.

American scientists are now trying to find out which type of people have the biggest sleep problems. The result was not really surprising. Single parents generally had the least amount of time to sleep and often suffered from overwork. Single mothers, in particular, were the least sleepy and poorest sleepers, according to the CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) experts..

Single mothers, in particular, often struggle with the effects of nocturnal sleep deprivation during the day. (Image: Jeanette Dietl /

Many single parents sleep less than seven hours a night
Almost every family with small children knows the problem: most of the time the offspring wake up several times during the night and a restful sleep is not really to think about. This situation becomes even more difficult if they are among the people who are single parents. For example, the CDC found that about 44 percent of single mothers with children under the age of 18 slept too little almost every night. Among lone fathers, the value is about 38 percent, said the doctors. Both groups did not reach the recommended sleep time of seven hours per night. In addition, a lesser quality of sleep was found in single parents. Many of those affected complained of insomnia and reported using sleeping pills more often. By comparison, only about 33 percent of parents with partners would sleep less than seven hours, the CDC experts said.

Sleep disorders can trigger complications such as diabetes and depression
It is very important to sleep well at night, as studies clearly show that overtired people are at higher risk of developing diabetes, heart disease and depression, the researchers explain. In addition, there are other studies that associate sleep deprivation with an increased risk of cancer. In addition, people with little sleep are more likely to be involved in accidents at work or in car accidents, the researchers added. It is not surprising that single parents are at the top of the sleep deprivation list; in single-parent families, the demands on this parent are significantly greater, Dr. Stuart Quan from "Brigham and Women's Hospital".

In general, people would tend to neglect their sleep if they have competing priorities, such as their work or family responsibilities. For their study, the researchers examined data from an annual survey of about 44,000 men and women.

Women develop qualitative sleep differences at an early age
The physicians found that women were generally more likely to develop sleep problems than men. Whether the women were single parents, living with their partner, or came from a household where there were no children, women slept worse and worse than men. 57 percent of single mothers said they did not sleep well. For women with one partner, the figure was 46 percent and 39 percent of women without children also complained of a bad night's sleep. In almost all sleep-related epidemiological studies, women are more likely to develop sleep disorders than men, Dr. Quan. Gender-specific differences in the quality of sleep can be seen at a very early age, added the physician. (As)