Crooked teeth What can help permanently?

Crooked teeth What can help permanently? / Health News

Beautiful, straight biter for every age

No matter if young or old - many long for an impeccable smile and straight teeth. However, the biter likes to turn, tilt or shift, disturbing not only the aesthetic appearance but also the bite. Remedy then fixed or removable braces. In the meantime, children and adolescents have become the norm, but the appearance of the wire frame in adults often causes astonishment.

Increasingly, the older generation expresses the desire to correct misalignments. This development is also observed by Dr. Mirela-Oana Nilius, Specialist in Dental Aesthetics, Pediatric Dentistry and Orthodontics. In the following, the expert from the practice clinic Nilius from Dortmund explains how it comes to the displacement of the teeth and how to correct malpositions suitable for young and old.

What to do with crooked teeth? Picture: unpict - fotolia

One problem - many causes

Often caused by premature deciduous tooth loss, long intense sucking or congenital jaw malpositions, crooked teeth often cause problems later. "In addition, the patients' jaws often prove to be too small or too narrow, which is why the teeth do not find enough space and move," reports Dr. med. Nilius.

As a result, dirt niches form, which lead to inflammation of the oral mucosa and cause diseases such as tooth decay or periodontal disease. In addition, dental errors lead to pronunciation errors of sounds such as S or Z, which effectively corrects a bite correction. "In order to minimize such problems at an early stage, the tooth position is checked at each check-up. Whether an orthodontic treatment is necessary, then depends on the severity. As a rule, however, regulatory measures take place after tooth replacement. For severe misalignments, the deciduous dentition can be pretreated with removable clips for a limited period of time ", emphasizes the orthodontist from Dortmund.

No more crooked teeth

Outside and inside, fixed or removable: the selection of braces is diverse and often difficult for patients. "Most well-known are probably the glued-on brackets, which we attach to the teeth with a special adhesive and then connect with a thin wire. Visible in the frontal area in children and adolescents who like colorful with bright colors, transparent aesthetically or unobtrusively on the inside of the teeth in adults, they allow larger and more complicated tooth movements such as horizontal displacements or rotations ", explains the specialist of the practice clinic Nilius.

Often, sufferers with much customer contact but wish more discreet alternatives to the plate-wire construction and resort to invisible solutions such as transparent plastic rails. Totally invisible to the naked eye, these are mainly used to fine tune minor corrections. Without the attachment by rubbers, clamps and wires, the rail can be easily removed on important dates. Even the food and brushing your teeth are made easier by this simple handling. (sb, pm)