Shift worker Unhealthy lifestyle dangerous

Shift worker Unhealthy lifestyle dangerous / Health News

Shift workers particularly endangered by unhealthy lifestyle


Shift work and its effects on the biorhythm are associated with various negative health impairments. Therefore, shiftworkers should urgently avoid additional health risks such as smoking, overweight and physical inactivity, the news agency reports „dpa“ citing the German Society of Occupational Medicine and Environmental Medicine (DGAUM).

For shiftworkers, a healthy lifestyle is particularly important because they are already susceptible to various diseases due to their disturbed biorhythm. So should the employees in shifts „Obesity and smoking - avoid it“, quotes the news agency „dpa“ the DGAUM expert Michael Nasterlack. Although there is currently no clear evidence for a possible link between shiftwork and cancer risk, this can not be completely ruled out. Shiftworkers should therefore urgently avoid any risk factors that could promote cancer, explained Nasterlack.

The specialist advises the shift workers to "exercise for half an hour at least twice a week", where endurance sports such as swimming or cycling are recommended. This strengthens the constitution, helps reduce stress and can prevent the development of weight problems. According to the expert, according to the expert, this should be slowly reduced in the case of overweight. In addition, shift workers tend to have unhealthy eating habits, according to Nasterlack, which is why more attention needs to be paid to regular, well-balanced meals. In addition, according to Nasterlack, smokers should definitely get rid of their addiction, because for shiftworkers, the cancer risk here may increase disproportionately. Individual studies have also found that shift workers are more likely to suffer from diabetes and obesity because, for example, the night work disturbs the day-night rhythm. (Fp)