Damaged Weight Loss These are the ten worst diets

Damaged Weight Loss These are the ten worst diets / Health News
Do not try these diets!
Because every second in Germany struggles with its weight, diets are in vogue. Again and again, new weight loss concepts are presented, which often do not keep what they promise. Some can even endanger our health. We have put together the 10 worst diets. They should never try this! Because the consequences can be serious!

Nutritionist (M. Sc.) Veronika Schnittke is absolutely sure about one thing: Poor diets are far worse than alcohol, drugs and tobacco together, because they destroy the metabolism, lead to yo-yo effect and deficiency symptoms. She looked at the 10 most absurd diets and explains what she's definitely against.

If you want to lose weight and restrict your daily calorie intake too much, you risk having a yo-yo effect afterwards. Sometimes health can suffer as well. (Image: bravissimos / fotolia.com)

Tapeworm diet - Effective but dangerous
With the so-called tapeworm diet from Mexico you can slim down quickly and effectively for $ 1400. Supplied in the form of a pill, the tapeworm in the digestive tract of the unwilling to absorb most of the nutrients from the diet. As a result, fewer calories are absorbed, which in the long term leads to an energy deficit and thus to a loss of weight. However, this strategy is not without its risks: The tapeworm triggers numerous symptoms such as severe abdominal pain, diarrhea, weakness, nausea and loss of appetite.

Cabbage Soup Diet - Pretty boring!
With a cabbage soup diet, you can lose 8 kg in one week. However, to spoon cabbage soup every day requires strong nerves, because most of them are already on the third day the taste of cabbage soup repugnant. Quite apart from this, the strong one-sided diet carries the risk of protein deficiency, which can lead to muscle loss. Anyone who quickly falls back into old habits after the diet also has to accept a yo-yo effect. The cabbage soup diet may be successful in the short term, but in the long term, after such a diet, you will soon recover - usually even more than before.

Bloodgroup diet - eating like our ancestors!
Supporters of the blood group diet create nutritional plans according to the eating habits of their ancestors. Thus, a willing to lose blood type 0 receives a nutritional plan that is based on the nutritional behavior of a Stone Age man. The German Society for Nutrition (DGE) quotes: "There is currently a lack of scientific evidence for the claimed health benefits of blood group diets."

Werewolf diet - Fasting to the moon phases
The Werewolf Diet is Hollywood's new wonder cure that aims to make Demi Moore and Madonna bacon from the hips. At full moon, new moon or at the beginning of a lunar phase is fasted and detoxified using a juice treatment. But this diet is utter madness from a nutritional point of view.

5-Bite Diet - But not more!
After Dr. med. Alwin Lewis is five the perfect number of bites for your next meal. Dr. Lewis believes that eating what you eat is far more crucial. After three days with the 5-bite diet, you no longer feel hungry. Lewis. Here, the important question remains how to cover his daily energy needs of an average of 1500 kcal with just eleven bites. This is absolutely impossible, so you should better keep your fingers off it.

Cookie Diet - Sin and still lose weight?
Dr. Sanford Siegel, Florida, in the 1970's, mixed and baked a very unique amino acid mixture to help his patients lose weight. Subsequently, Dr. Siegel advised his patients to eat six of the cookies daily, along with a 300-kcal dinner. Siegel's diet was successful, but for the simple reason that only 800 kcal a day was allowed. Not the lack of energy makes the cookie diet so unhealthy, but the very one-sided diet, which consists only of sugar-rich cookies. Healthy weight loss is different!

Just always sin. But the concept does not work. Image: JenkoAtaman - fotolia

Master Cleanse - Detoxification with a difference!
The Master Cleanse Diet is a special fasting cure that is designed to detoxify the body. During the fasting, which can last up to 40 days at will, you can only drink a homemade lemonade in addition to water. Working, learning, concentrating, being active in sports, reading - all these things are hardly possible by completely abstaining from solid foods during this diet.

3-day military diet - standing still!
In three days you should lose thanks to the military diet up to five pounds. The fact is, over the three days, foods are allowed that are readily available and fit well into the daily diet. These include hot dogs, vanilla ice cream and bananas. The program aims to consume no more than 1500 kcal per day. Anyone who believes that they are losing weight in this way will be bitterly disappointed!

Air Diet - Life from the air and love?
With the air diet one should lead an empty fork to the mouth and imagine, just to enjoy the tastiest, calorie-rich and greasiest meal. Food cravings should be fought. Such a diet can not only lead to a serious eating disorder and muscle loss, but also to leptin resistance. Leptin is the hormone in our body that triggers a feeling of satiety after ingestion. Leptin resistance can lead to extreme overweight and a slowed metabolism in humans.

Baby Food Diet - Childish Slimming
Babies have a wonderfully soft skin and in most cases weight problems. So why not eat like a baby? According to the guru of Gwyneth Paltrow, you can quickly and easily remove twice daily baby food and detoxify your body. It has been completely disregarded here that adults do not have teeth in vain to feed on anything other than pureed and liquid foods. (Pm)