Damage to offspring due to licorice consumption during pregnancy

Damage to offspring due to licorice consumption during pregnancy / Health News
Harms licorice in pregnancy
Finnish scientists have found evidence that licorice may harm children's physical and cognitive development during pregnancy. They therefore advise pregnant women to abstain from licorice during pregnancy.

Licorice contains glycyrrhizic acid, the natural sweetener from licorice root. This inhibits the enzyme 11-beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase 2, which catalyzes the conversion of cortisol into cortisone. The enzyme is also contained in the placenta, where it inactivates cortisol and prevents it from entering the baby's circulation. Licorice increases the cortisol concentration in the organism of the fetus.

Pregnant women and people with hypertension should only enjoy liquorice in moderation. A vegetable substance contained in it can influence the water and salt balance in the human body. (Image: Antonio Gravante / fotolia.com)

Research has shown that this has led to delayed puberty, reproductive, and attention and memory disturbances in animal studies.

The Finnish scientists evaluated the data of 1,049 women who gave birth in 1998 to an only child. Among them were 51 women who had consumed more than 500 mg of glycyrrhizic acid during pregnancy, which are contained in about 100 grams of licorice.

When children were examined at the age of eight, their children had less vocabulary, a poorer narrative memory, a limited spatial imagination. and a weaker concentration ability. They also tended to violate rules and aggressive behavior.
In the meantime, the children have reached twelve years. Adolescent licorice girls have started puberty earlier, and are heavier and taller than the children whose mothers did not consume licorice.

The study authors advise all pregnant women to abstain from consuming licorice during pregnancy. Find the study here.