Rocking movements make falling asleep easier

Rocking movements make falling asleep easier / Health News

Swinging to sleep makes falling asleep easier even in adults


Researchers at the University of Geneva found during a study that rocking movements also affect the sleep process of adults. Swinging and swaying can also help adults to sleep better and above all. According to a preliminary announcement of the study results, the healthy deep sleep should be promoted by the uniform movements. Rocking could therefore help with sleep disorders.

Swinging movements facilitate falling asleep
Swiss researchers at the University of Geneva have shown amazing things. Swinging, for example, in a hammock can, according to a sleep study, facilitate falling asleep and allow a restful deep sleep phase. In order to reach this result, the researchers Michel Mühlethaler and Sophie Schwartz had a total of twelve male subjects in adulthood undergo a short sleep of 45 minutes. For this purpose, a bed was designed specifically that either excludes any movement or allows easy rocking. In order to be able to make comparisons, the bed was either lightly vibrated or kept still.

The adult participants were between 22 and 38 years old. None of the subjects had a diagnosed sleep disorder. None of the subjects also regularly took a nap or suffered from chronic fatigue. To help people fall asleep, the sleep laboratory was darkened and the noise level kept even at a low level. While participants slept, brain activity was measured by electroencephalography (EEG). The sleep researchers were able to observe typical sleep phases. These included 1. the phase of falling asleep, 2. the first light sleep, 3. deep sleep, and 4. the so-called REM sleep (rapid eye movement), in which the fast eye movements often occur.

Rocking stimulates brain activity
„In the experimental setup, all participants in the study were faster asleep who were exposed to vibrations“ explained study leader and neuroscientist Mill dollars. The researchers were surprised by the fact that certain types of brain activity occurred. These included slow oscillations and sleep spindles. For example, these two types are associated with memory during sleep and deep sleep. The researchers now want to find out in further scientific work, whether the monotonously oscillating movements also allow a longer sleep and whether the rocking movements can be used as part of a therapy for sleep disorders.

Neurologically, the rocking movements in the sleep context have not been further illuminated. However, according to the research team, it could be that the amygdala in the central area of ​​the brain is stimulated by the steady weighing. This area in the brain is said to have an extremely relaxing effect on the organism, which in turn plays an important role in the regulation of the sleep process. On the other hand, rocking may cause stimulation of certain brain areas. This could cause sleep spindles that prevent constant waking. Either way, it could be shown that the easy rocking is useful not only for babies and toddlers as a sleep aid, but also for adults. All the research will be published tomorrow in the Science Magazine „Current Biology“ released. (Sb)

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Picture: sassi