Sawicki criticizes drug industry practices

Sawicki criticizes drug industry practices / Health News

Peter Sawicki: Heavy criticism of drug-related practices

The director of the Institute for Quality and Efficiency in Health Care (IQWiG) Peter Sawicki, who works only until August, spoke in the Frankfurter Rundschau (FR) about his reasons for not extending his contract and insights from his work at the institute. He raised heavy allegations against circles in the pharmaceutical industry. According to him, the pharmaceutical industry does not have enough advanced drugs. Also in the room is the accusation of influencing the decision that Sawicki, considered to be critical of the industry, did not receive a contract extension from the IQWiG.

Overall, Sawicki argues that pharmaceutical companies are focused on purely economic benefits. For example, developmental drugs would be neglected, which would be the cause of small-scale diseases and thus of low sales and earnings, such as enzyme defects in infants. An ethical responsibility would not be enough here.

There should be no study, no bribery and no cheating. He indirectly advocated supporting forces in the industry for more transparency and a change for the better. Furthermore, Sawicki sees in the independence of the headmaster one of the basic requirements for the successful continuation of the work at the IQWiG.
The IQWiG has been run by Sawicki since 2004. The now internationally recognized institute was established by the then red-green federal government in order to independently assess the advantages and disadvantages of medical services. Negative decisions by the IQWiG regarding medication or medical services may mean that the costs are not (more) borne by the statutory health insurance companies. Such a decision can result in massive financial losses for manufacturing companies.

Peter Sawicki is considered a firm advocate of evaluating medical services according to the scientific criteria of evidence-based medicine. Shortly before the decision on his renewal of the contract by the Board were in the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung (FAZ) allegations surfaced, according to which Sawicki should have made erroneous billing of company cars and expenses. In the many media, the allegations were carried forward and stated as a reason for not renewing his contract.

The board of the institute, which had voted against extending Sawicki's contract, is composed of two representatives of the GKV-Spitzenverband, the managing director of the German Hospital Association (DKG), the chairman of the National Association of Statutory Health Insurance Physicians (KBV) and the State Secretary in the Federal Ministry of Health (BMG) FDP man Stefan Kapferer, together.

The DKG CEO Georg Baum (FDP) had already announced after an article by Spiegel Online in advance, „To prevent Sawicki's contract extension“. According to Sawicki in the interview with the FR had the magazine „star“ reported, „that a drug company had appointed a PR man on Sawicki who was trying to put "incriminating material" about him in the media.“ (Thorsten Fischer, Naturopath Osteopathy, 07.02.2010)

Additional Information:

Sawicki: Come billions in costs for insured?
Consequences of the health reform unsocial
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