Sour cucumbers Small gherkins have more aroma

Sour cucumbers Small gherkins have more aroma / Health News
Small fruits have more aroma
(aid) - Cucumbers are less known than the classic cucumber. The vegetables have a pleasant aroma with a slight bitter note, which can be optimally unfold by inserting. Anyone who prepares the delicacy himself, as in grandma's time, enriches his pantry with a delicious side dish with meat, fish and cheese. In addition, cucumbers with many positive ingredients can score. These include vitamins B1, C and provitamin A as well as the minerals potassium, calcium, phosphorus and iron. Due to the high water content of 97 percent, they are extremely low in calories with 8 kcal per 100 g.

Sour cucumbers, also called salt cucumbers, work best if you wash the vegetables, dry them, rub them with salt and leave them overnight. Use only small, firm and spotless cucumbers, because larger specimens are usually too soft. Then place the cucumbers with grape leaves, dill and onions firmly in a sterile stoneware pot and pour over a salt solution. The pot is left covered for ten days to cool. The cucumbers are glassy-green and the liquid slightly milky due to the lactic acid fermentation. Although this does not look very appetizing, but is not harmful to health and does not diminish the taste.

Even gherkins are delicious. For ginger-pepper cucumbers, the vegetables with shallots, ginger, dill blossoms and chilli are spread upright in clean screw jars. Bring sugar, salt, mustard seeds, vinegar and water to a boil and pour the broth into the jars just below the rim. Close the jars and cook for 40 minutes at 90 degrees. After cooling, the cucumbers should be left in the closed glass for at least another week before being served.
Botanically, cucumbers belong to the cucurbitaceae family (Cucurbitaceae) and are native to India. In Germany, they are grown almost exclusively in the field and grow on the ground or climbing.

In order for the harvest workers to be able to work backwards, adventurous machines have been developed. They call themselves "cucumber pilots" and have jibs up to 15 meters long, on which more than 30 employees pick in a lying position. During the season, the fields are "flown" up to 30 times to harvest only the young cucumbers.
Heike Kreutz, aid