Sauna is healthy in every season

Sauna is healthy in every season / Health News

Why visits to the sauna in the summer are useful


Sauna is for many people in the cold season. If you want to sweat for your health, you should go to the sauna regularly - at least once a week and in every season. Thus, the abrupt temperature changes have a positive effect year-round. „After three months of regular sauna sessions, a hardening effect of the immune system can be measured: the level of interferon in the blood rises, "explained Ursula Marschall, Head of the Health Competence Center at the health insurance company Barmer GEK, to the news agency „dpa“. Interferon has a protective effect against viral infections.

Changing temperature stimuli in sauna aisles have a health-promoting effect
Hans-Jürgen Gensow from the German Sauna Association in Bielefeld knows the phenomenon of empty saunas in summer and full in winter. When the temperatures rise outdoors, public sauna baths would register about a third fewer visitors, the expert told the news agency. „Anyone who considers the sauna as a therapeutic remedy must use it regularly at least once a week throughout the year, "said Rainer Brenke, a specialist in physical medicine from Berlin, to the agency. „If you only sweat in the autumn and winter, then hardly any changes in the body are detectable. "Brenke are interested in the physiological effects of sauna sessions, which are based on the temperature stimuli., For example, increases the body temperature in the sauna by 1.0 to 1.5 Degree - an alarm signal for the body, it governs among other things with an increased immune defense, in order to make possible pathogens harmless, in addition the pulse rises and the heartbeat reaches a higher frequency. „As a result, more blood is pumped through the veins at each heartbeat, "explained Dirk Peters from the German Wellness Association in Düsseldorf to the news agency, which dilates in the heat and contracts again on cooling, thereby promoting blood circulation and relaxing the muscles In addition, there is an improvement in the appearance of the skin. „The blood flow to the nasal mucosa is also improved, "said Marschall. „This prevents colds, because it strengthens the natural protection by anti-inflammatory substances in the mucous membrane. "

Curing effect for Finnish sauna scientifically proven
The doctor and health economist further explains that so far there are no studies on the effect of different temperatures and degrees of humidity on the hardening effect. „There is a whole range of studies suggesting that the physiological effects of a classic Finnish sauna and a steam bath are very similar, "adds Peters. „It is often observed that a dry sauna with temperatures of 90 to 100 degrees is preferred by men.“. Women, on the other hand, would prefer a steam bath more often because their mucous membranes are more sensitive to the nasal septum. Generally, people with respiratory ailments benefit more from a steam bath. „The humid air moistens the mucous membranes well, "reports Brenke, adding that supplements such as eucalyptus could also ease the symptoms. „However, the circulation load is higher because the sweat is hampered by the humidity. "

Follow sauna rules
Before the first sauna session, the body should be cleaned and dried, as dry skin sweats faster. The individual sauna sessions ideally last 10 to 20 minutes. After each round a cooling should take place. In the subsequent rest phase sufficient liquid must be supplied. These rules apply every season.

In autumn and winter it is not easy for many to cool off after the sauna session. „In summer, on the other hand, the cold kick is a welcome refreshment, "explained Gensow, adding that at high temperatures, sauna baths with appealing outdoor areas are in demand. „If you can go out of the hot sauna directly into the sea and swim a few moves, then this is a similar tingling sensation, as if you rubbed yourself after the sauna with snow. "The customer review has been automatically translated from German.

In general, certain groups of people should be careful when taking a sauna. This applies, among other things, to people with strong varicose veins or other venous vascular diseases. Anyone who suffers from a chronic illness can not avoid talking to a doctor about possible health risks before the first sauna visit. Especially with cardiovascular or vascular diseases such as coronary heart disease, hypertension, myocardial infarction, arrhythmia (heart palpitations, tachycardia) or asthma, a sauna session can be very beneficial, but also become a health hazard. Basically, the sauna should not be visited for circulatory problems such as dizziness. Alcohol and sauna is also not compatible.

When it comes to sauna, individual resilience is crucial, says Marschall. „These can be tested well on a bicycle ergometer.“ For sauna beginners, it is slow to take. According to Marschall, it would be enough to have a sauna for up to three days a week. The lowest level should be chosen first. Also with the duration it would be advisable to be careful. That's enough for beginners ten to twelve minutes. (Ag)

Image: Espressolia