Sauna lovers live longer, according to the study

Sauna lovers live longer, according to the study / Health News

Study: Frequent sauna visits prolong life


According to a Finnish study, frequent sauna visits significantly reduce the risk of heart attacks and heart disease. The exact reasons are still unclear. Regular sauna increases the well-being and can strengthen the immune system in the long term.

Sauna is for health
Regular sauna not only enhances your well-being, but also helps your health. For example, according to health experts, the circulation improves blood circulation and relaxes the muscles. In the longer term, the immune system will be strengthened, reducing the risk of diseases such as colds. Anyone who goes to the sauna more often can even extend their lives, as has now been shown in a study by the University of Eastern Finland.

Frequent sauna visits reduce heart attack risk
The study on the relationship between sauna visits and heart disease, was in the journal „Journal of the American Medical Association (Jama) Internal Medicine“ released. It states that men who visit a sauna two or three times a week have a 22 percent lower risk of dying from a heart attack. And those who even take sauna four to seven times a week have a 63 percent lower risk.

The more frequent, the better
Researchers at the University of Eastern Finland examined 2,315 men between the ages of 42 and 60 in eastern Finland, where sauna use is particularly widespread. The men, who often go to the sauna, have been accompanied for several years for the study. It showed that the risk of dying from coronary artery disease was 23 percent lower in men who use the sauna twice a week instead of once a week. And at four to seven sauna visits "the risk was according to the information even 48 per cent lower".

Dear longer than shorter
The scientists also found that the risk of dying from cardiovascular disease was 27 percent lower for men who visit the sauna two or three times a week instead of once a week. With four to seven sauna visits, the risk was even 50 percent lower than the men who only once a week sauna. In addition, for the first group, the risk of dying from any other disease was 24 percent and 40 percent lower for the second group. It is also more beneficial, according to the study, to "stay in the sauna for more than 19 minutes, than spend less than eleven minutes in the heat".

Reason for higher life expectancy is unclear
The editor-in-chief of the magazine „Jama Internal Medicine“, Rita Redberg of the University of California wrote about the results of the investigation: „Even though we do not know why the men who visit a sauna more often have a longer life expectancy (whether it is because of the time in the hot room, the time to relax, the leisure of a life that leaves more time to relax, or camaraderie in the sauna), time spent in the sauna is obviously well-used time.“

Some people have to be careful when saunaing
Despite the positive effects of frequent sauna courses, certain groups of people should be careful when taking a sauna. This applies, among other things, to people with strong varicose veins or other venous vascular diseases. And even with existing cardiovascular diseases such as coronary heart disease, cardiac arrhythmia (heart palpitations, tachycardia) or high blood pressure, patients should seek medical advice before a sauna visit. In addition, should not be treated with circulatory problems such as dizziness. (Ad)

Picture: roesli48