Oxygen-gas mixture in the meat

Oxygen-gas mixture in the meat / Health News

Foodwatch: oxygen-gas mixture in meat.

(01.08.2010) The nonprofit consumer protection association foodwatch e.V. has criticized the fact that many supermarkets sell meat that has been treated with an oxygen-gas mixture. The mixture served to keep the meat in its red color and, according to statements by Deputy foodwatch Managing Director Matthias Wolfschmidt „mirror“ „attractive“ appear and longer and easier to sell.

The Max Rubner Institute (MRI), headquartered in Karlsruhe, an institution of the Federal Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Consumer Protection, according to the „mirror“ to consider in an opinion that the quality of the meat can be affected by the treatment of the meat with the gases. Dreadfully: The „Aroma is flattening“, Juiciness and tenderness would be reduced. Furthermore, the meat is treated by the mixture „rancid“.

Foodwatch e.V. had collected and examined more than 100 meat samples from various supermarket outlets, and found that all samples accounted for between sixty and eighty percent of the oxygen concentration. The results will be presented to the public tomorrow, Monday.

Just recently, foodwatch had criticized that for meat through vacuum packaging and refrigeration „produced a new form of meat spoilage worldwide“ and urged the authorities to take immediate action. From the point of view of naturopathy it is recommended for a long time to consume as untreated and fresh food as possible. (Tf)

Picture: Rainer Sturm