Sour but not bad Healthy sour milk for good digestion

Sour but not bad Healthy sour milk for good digestion / Health News
Sour, not bad - sour milk is easily digestible
Thick milk is literally nothing more than thick milk. But that does not mean consumers have to worry about their health. Dairy milk is highly digestible and, among other things, very popular among people suffering from lactose intolerance.

Thick milk is easily digestible
Dairy milk, also called stick milk, is one of the sour milk products. Before the invention of the refrigerator Dickmilch was probably unintentionally due to heat, reports the news agency dpa. "Bad" is this milk but by no means. On the contrary, the consumer information service Aid points out that sour milk contains particularly many lactic acid bacteria and is therefore easily digestible. According to other experts, concentrated milk is available to stimulate digestion. In natural medicine, the drink is used as a home remedy for constipation, among other things.

Also suitable for lactose intolerance
Dairy milk is available in different fat levels, depending on whether it is made from whole milk, low-fat milk or with the addition of cream. Dairy milk contains 64 calories and only 3.5 grams of fat in the full-fat version, and 46 calories or 1.5 grams of fat in low-fat milk. Although thick milk is similar to yoghurt, its consistency is a bit creamier. Because the lactic acid bacteria split the hard-to-digest casein from the milk, people with a mild lactose intolerance (milk sugar intolerance) usually tolerate thick milk without any problems. Thick milk is produced industrially with the help of certain bacteria that acidify the milk. The drink is not only drunk straight, but also used for food. So it is among other main ingredient of the autumn milk soup. In northern Germany, sour milk is often eaten with sugar and rusks. (Ad)

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Image: Bianca Beer /