Salt water on fresh fish fillets kills bacteria

Salt water on fresh fish fillets kills bacteria / Health News

Salt water on fresh fish fillets kills bacteria


Especially with fish, it is often feared that it could be spoiled and therefore not suitable for consumption. A top chef recommends a short salt water bath for fresh fish fillets to kill unwanted bacteria and prevent infections.

Consumers often have concerns about eating fish
Many consumers, especially when eating fish, often have misgivings about the food being spoiled. Hardly anyone wants to take the risk of fish poisoning. However, such dangers can often be met with simple means. For example, according to one expert, a short saltwater bath kills unpleasant bacteria on fresh fish fillets and can thus prevent infections.

Put fish fillets in salted water for a short time
As the news agency dpa reports, the top chef Thomas Bühner recommends the restaurant „La vie“ in Osnabrück to six percent salt water. That means 60 grams of salt per liter of water. First, the fish fillets should be rinsed briefly as usual with clear water and then inserted into the salt water. „After 10 to 15 minutes remove the fillets and dab them off“, so Bühner. The thin layer of salt, which then formed, deprives the fish of liquid and thus ensure less bacteria. The saltwater bath also has another advantage: „This also has a positive effect on the taste and makes the structure of the fish a little firmer“, explains the expert.

Health hazards
Bacteria in or on fish pose serious health hazards. Among other things, this can lead to fish poisoning, which may be accompanied by symptoms such as numbness of the lips and oral mucosa, a weakened general condition, diarrhea, fever, dizziness, abdominal pain, nausea and vomiting. In addition, this type of food poisoning can cause an itchy rash on the hands and feet. An important precaution is not to store fish too warm. (Ad)

Picture: Heiko Stuckmann