Pretzel sticks with cola? What really helps against diarrhea

Pretzel sticks with cola? What really helps against diarrhea / Health News
Fact check on diarrhea: what really helps?
Rusk, a lot of drink and fruit - probably everyone knows the parental advice for diarrhea. Which of these home remedies actually help and which ones are better off, explains Prof. (Univ. Dr. Stefan Hillejan, phlebologist and proctologist from the Clinic for Venous and Diseases of the Thoracic Diseases in Hanover and Chairman of the Professional Association of Qualified Medical Experts in Germany.

Watch out for pretzel sticks, cola and rusks
Many people still believe that pretzel sticks and cola are particularly well-suited to compensate for the mineral loss caused by diarrhea. And in fact: In the short term, soft drink increases well-being. Because with appropriate digestive problems, the fluid loss leads to low blood pressure, the cola temporarily increased again. But the good feeling does not last long, through the caffeine-containing drink increases the intestinal activity even more. In addition, many sugars often lead to an increased excretion of water through the kidneys and thus to flush out the electrolytes that are particularly important in liquid stools, such as potassium and sodium.

Diarrhea: The causes can be harmless but also serious. Image: vchalup - fotolia

Although the latter is contained in pretzel sticks, they do not supply the body with any other important nutrients. Rusk, on the other hand, is more likely to compensate for the loss of nutrients due to the content of simple sugars. However, people with known intolerances should exercise caution. "Certain types of grain irritate the intestines and the excessive consumption of fiber in the dough also often leads to diarrhea," explains the expert.

What really helps
Especially fruit and tea provide for digestive problems for improvement. For example, bananas contain vitamins as well as starch and restore the body the potassium lost in diarrhea. Blueberries are said to have a germ repellent and apples contain both anti-inflammatory polyphenols and pectins. The latter swell in the intestine, absorb fluid and thus thicken the stool. In addition, their multiple sugars absorb toxins and soothe the mucous membranes.

For an optimal effect, it is advisable to rub the apples together with the peel into a nutmeg. As a result, the fruit is easier to digest and water is best absorbed during digestion. Tea is considered to be one of the most effective remedies for diarrhea: It soothes the digestive tract, supplies fluid to the body and often has an anti-inflammatory effect due to its tannins, bitter substances and essential oils. Peppermint in particular has a high tannin content. Camomile acts against germs and additionally antispasmodic. Affected should refrain only from black tea, because with excessive enjoyment, a similar effect occurs as with cola. "Caffeine enhances this type of intestinal problems," emphasizes Prof. Dr. med. Dr. Hillejan.

In an emergency to the expert
If the diarrhea persists for more than two days despite all measures, a visit to a doctor is recommended. If the person concerned is a child or has side effects such as fever and circulatory problems, an expert should be consulted immediately. Electrolyte solutions, medicinal charcoal and yeast tablets from the pharmacy help with pronounced forms of discomfort, but in these cases do not replace going to the doctor. (sb, pm)