Salmonella can be in raw cookie dough

Salmonella can be in raw cookie dough / Health News

Raw cookie dough with egg may be contaminated with Salmonella


When cookies are baked again in the run-up to Christmas, many a child likes to nibble on raw cookie dough. Parents should be aware, however, that raw dough with egg may contain salmonella. The bacteria that are killed when baking, can cause severe gastrointestinal discomfort.

Thoroughly wash hands to prevent Salmonella in cookie dough
For a moment, do not pay attention and your finger is already in the cookie dough. Many children find it difficult to hold back while snacking on raw dough. However, this can have unpleasant consequences, as explained by Jens Luther from the networking center for daycare and school catering at the Saxony Consumer Center. Parents should therefore take special care in cookie dough with eggs that the raw mass does not end up in the belly of their children. „Salmonella is not only found on the shell, but also in the raw egg, so it gets into the dough, "says Luther, when the children touch the eggs and snack on the dough, the bacteria go straight to the gastrointestinal tract, where they are Patients also suffer from nausea and vomiting, although Salmonella infection is usually cured within a few days, but dehydration is particularly likely in young children due to the severe fluid loss.

Luther therefore recommends refraining from eating raw cookie dough with egg and washing his hands thoroughly after unrolling and cutting. Also all used kitchen utensils should be thoroughly cleaned. Because „The salmonella is transferred back to the cookies via dirty hands and equipment, "explains the expert.

In the case of finished cookies, there is no risk of salmonella if they have been baked in the oven for several minutes at more than 70 degrees Celsius. If you want to decorate the pastry afterwards, you should first wash your hands thoroughly again to prevent salmonella from getting on the cookies again. (Ag)

Picture: Joujou