Seasonal dependent depression Take a walk against the wintry blues
Short days, gray skies, cold weather: During the winter months, some people develop seasonal depression (SAD). Concerned people can help if they go for a walk every day. In addition, one should take the beautiful sides of the winter in the view.
Gray days are depressing
The short days, which ensure that it is still dark on the way to work in the morning, and on the way home again and the cold weather pass only the least bit without a trace. Many people suffer from chronic fatigue and listlessness during the winter months. Sometimes it even comes to a winter depression. However, there are ways to better cope with the so-called "winter blues". Among other things, exercise and sensible nutrition can help.
Seasonal dependent depression
About two percent of Germans develop seasonal depression during the cold season (SAD), also known as winter depression.
According to experts, the seasonal mood usually increases in January and February when the cold draws in for a long time. In March, she often cuts off on her own. Winter depressants usually have cravings for sweets, carbohydrates and a higher need for sleep. This is attributed, among other things, to a lack of light.
Walk for an hour every day
In a message from the news agency dpa, a psychologist has a tip for those affected: It can help walk one hour per day.
Because daylight and fresh air have a positive effect on the mood. As Julia Arnhold, a psychologist from the Association of German Psychologists, explained, this will only work if the person concerned is out and about for an hour every day from autumn.
Take the weather as it is
According to the expert, people who are prone to winter blues should take the weather as it is. Concerned with thoughts like "It's terrible that it gets dark so early" easily into a cycle of depressed mood, too little drive and social withdrawal.
Instead, it could help to look at the beautiful sides of winter. For example, people who enjoy cooking can invite friends to eat together, and people who love the warmth can go to the sauna.
Sufficient hydration and healthy food
Other tips against the winter blues: Absolutely pay attention to adequate fluid intake. Because in addition to sport and light, water also helps to reduce symptoms such as tiredness and lack of motivation.
The food also plays an important role in how fit or tired people feel. Local vegetables like cabbage and co can help keep you fit in winter. In general, the diet should not contain too much fat. In addition, alternating showers are recommended to boost the circulation. (Ad)