Saarland is canceling aid for non-medical practitioners

Saarland is canceling aid for non-medical practitioners / Health News

Non-medical practitioner: Saarland Aid cancels payment


The austerity measures in the Saarland have also hit the field of naturopathy: Thus, since the beginning of 2011, the subsidies no longer take on treatments from alternative practitioners. It is estimated that this will lead to savings of about one and a half million euros.

This equates, behind the city states on area and population smallest federal state of Germany, the benefits of the aid in alternative medical treatment (and also visual aids) to the level of statutory health insurance (SHI). Non-medical practitioner associations had appealed in vain since the announcement of the project since October last year to the competent authorities. In October, Minister for Home Affairs and European Affairs Stephan Toscani (CDU) informed unions and relevant professional associations.

Non-medical practitioner associations such as the professional and professional association Free Naturopaths e.V. express the fear that „In all probability, the Saarland will abolish the reimbursement of non-medical practitioner services for its employees on cost grounds“ becomes. Cornelia Hoffmann-Bethscheider, the deputy leader of the political group and spokeswoman for health of the SPD parliamentary group in the Saarland state parliament, accuses the state government of not having thought through her savings plans. The profession of non-medical practitioner „systematic“ disadvantaged, would mean that, with their low-cost work, they could no longer permanently reduce the cost of the aid. Ultimately, this would mean that new cuts in aid will be necessary, according to Hoffmann-Bethscheider on your website.

At the same time, however, the Association Free Naturopaths e.V., points out that not „ inevitably result in a poorer position“ got to. Because the private health insurance (PHI) could take over the part for which the aid is no longer paid. Since supplementary subsidy tariffs are already offered by the largest insurer of civil servants, in the view of the federation further insurers will follow. However, gaps in the reimbursement of bills submitted by non-medical practitioners to beneficiaries should not be excluded. For this purpose, non-medical practitioners in the Saarland should enlighten the affected patients in advance. (Tf)