Sweet and tasty cherries better not to store in a plastic bag

Sweet and tasty cherries better not to store in a plastic bag / Health News
Not in a plastic bag: store healthy cherries properly
Cherries are very popular among the Germans. They taste fresh, as cake topping, compote or jam. The fruits have few calories, but are rich in vitamins and minerals. Experts explain what to look for when buying and storing.

Cherries are popular with the German citizens
Cherries are very high among many Germans when it comes to popular fruits. Especially sweet cherries seduce you for snacking. However, they can also be processed. As a cake topping, compote or jam they taste great. In addition, they can be used well for desserts or pancakes. On hot summer days, the fruit is good for low-calorie, light meals such as a cherry cold dish. The fruits do not only taste delicious, they are also very healthy. Experts have some tips on what to pay attention to when buying and storing.

Cherries are especially popular with the Germans. The delicious fruits should always be bought with a stalk and if possible not kept in a plastic bag. (Image: bergamont / fotolia.com)

Do not store in a plastic bag
Cherries should be sweet and juicy, but never mushy. Therefore, the fruit should be kept as short as possible or not at all in the plastic bag. "In contrast to many other types of fruit and vegetables, the storage time is not extended by storage in a foil bag. Because an exchange of air and a removal of moisture is important because otherwise the fruit rot quickly, "explains the Provincial Association of Rhenish fruit and vegetable growers on its website.

Always buy with a stalk
In addition, the red fruits should always have a stalk, otherwise they bleed quickly. Although cherries taste best when eaten fresh, they can also be kept in the fridge for a few days. If the cherry season is too short, you can also freeze the stoned cherries. The fruit is low in calories and rich in nutrients such as folic acid, iron, potassium, magnesium and B and C vitamins. The phytochemicals contained in the cherries are among others attributed to a preventive effect against cardiovascular diseases and cancer. (Ad)