Seek medical second opinion When does the health insurance company actually pay?

Seek medical second opinion When does the health insurance company actually pay? / Health News
In case of doubt, get a second medical opinion: When does the health insurance fund pay?
In Germany, according to experts, too much and too fast surgery. Patients should therefore in case of doubt ask before surgery for the necessity and if necessary obtain a second opinion. But who actually covers the costs of visiting another specialist??

There is a lot of surgery in Germany
In recent years it has been repeatedly criticized that in German hospitals too much and too fast surgery. It is therefore not surprising that more and more patients seek a second medical opinion. However, many do not even know that they have such a claim and that although the statutory health insurance in some cases even obliged to pay the costs.

When surgery is about to happen, many patients want to play it safe and seek a second medical opinion. But who actually pays for the cost of visiting another specialist? (Image: Monkey Business /

Claim for second opinion
It is true that the legislature has stipulated that the statutory health insurance funds must bear the costs of a second medical opinion.

But "another expert opinion is only conceded in plannable and in such operations, which are used more frequently for medical reasons than would be absolutely necessary medically," reports the consumer center NRW on its website.

"Which interventions are concretely second-opinionable, is not yet regulated. For a guideline, which lists the binding, is currently still far behind, "said the consumer advocates.

Check with cashier for voluntary benefits
The experts recommend insured persons to inquire about voluntary benefits from their health insurance fund in other cases - before they seek a second opinion.

Because the statutory health insurance companies may pay their insured persons in future surgery on a voluntary basis voluntary opinions - and some do.

For example, some health insurance companies offer their own second-chance assessment procedures or provide the insured specialist in the required area.

Inform the attending physician
The consumer advocates also point out to inform the attending physician before soliciting a second opinion and to ask for this to hand over reports, laboratory values ​​and results of X-ray examinations.

"This eliminates redundant and harmful dual examinations and costs," write the experts.

According to the information, patients have a right to copies of the patient file or the existing findings. However, the doctor may charge for the costs of the copies. (Ad)