Red meat can cause bladder cancer

Red meat can cause bladder cancer / Health News

Red meat can promote bladder cancer, US scientists found in a study.

(22.04.2010) The weather is inviting to get the grill out again and to grill meat. But beware, especially red meat is not exactly healthy for the human organism. On the contrary, scientists from the University of Texas have found that red meat, in addition to being grilled or roasted, significantly increases the risk of developing bladder cancer (bladder carcinoma). The culprit, according to the researchers, is the substance heterocyclic aromatic amines (HAA) which is formed at high heat. The study was conducted over twelve years. 1800 patients were observed.

HAA can cause uncontrolled cell growth, according to study director Xifeng Wu from the University of Texas. Other studies have repeatedly pointed out that especially red meat from pigs, cows and sheep in larger quantities are harmful to the organism. For example, a long-term study over a period of ten years has found that eating red meat increases the risk of death.

Nevertheless, one does not have to completely abstain from eating meat. Finally, it depends on the amount and cooking time. During the study, it was observed that subjects who preferred the meat "medium" could reduce cancer risk by 50 percent. Overall, however, it could be observed that the study participants who ate the most meat were twice as likely to develop cancer when the group consumed the least or no meat at all. For study leader Xifeng Wu, the result provides further evidence of the relationship between diet and cancer. It does not always have to be beef steak. For grilling, there are also vegetarian options, fish and chicken. So you should pay attention to the variety of ingredients and grilling the meat not too long barbecue. (Sb)

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Image: Uschi Dreiucker,