Red meat increases the risk of intestinal disease in men

Red meat increases the risk of intestinal disease in men / Health News
Men should not eat too much red meat
An improper or unhealthy diet can lead to health problems. Researchers have now found that consuming too much red meat in men leads to so-called diverticulitis, intestinal problems, pain and nausea. When men eat more chicken or fish, such problems are less common.

Researchers at the world-renowned Harvard University found in an investigation that men should not eat too much red meat. The consumption of red meat leads to an increased probability for the development of diverticulitis. The physicians published the results of their study in the journal "BMJ Gut".

The consumption of red meat can cause intestinal problems in men. Consuming much red meat increases the likelihood of diverticulitis. (Image: ExQuisine /

Experts examine the data of more than 46,000 men
The experts examined the data of more than 46,000 men for their study. It became clear that consumers of red meat with a 58 percent increased risk of developing diverticulitis. In this condition, inflammation of the mucous membrane (so-called diverticulum) forms in the protuberances of the mucosa.

Red meat diet is associated with a higher risk of diverticulitis
The effects of a high-flesh diet on the development of diverticulitis have not been adequately studied, says author Andrew Chan of Harvard University. The current results show that a red meat diet is associated with an increased risk of diverticulitis. The consumption of red meat can lead to completely different problems. For example, researchers have found in a previous study that red meat is responsible for premature biological aging.

The exact causes of diverticulitis are still unclear
Diverticulitis alone accounts for more than 200,000 hospitalizations per year in the United States. The trend is rising and the exact causes are unknown, experts say. For example, some of the diseases are related to smoking, obesity and the use of certain painkillers, also referred to as non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), the physicians add.

Severe cases of diverticulitis require surgery
Diverticulitis is often treated by a fiber-poor diet. However, serious cases of the disease may well require hospitalization and surgery. Only so it is possible that certain complications such as perforations of the intestinal wall are corrected.

During the study period, 764 men developed diverticulitis
Subjects studied were men aged 40 to 75 when they joined the study between 1986 and 2012. These men were interviewed every four years to see if and how often they had eaten red meat, poultry and fish in the past year. During the study period, 764 of the men developed diverticulitis, explain the scientists.

Red meat leads to higher rates of diverticulitis
It was noticeable in the investigation that the men who eat the most red meat also had an increased likelihood of smoking, regularly taking so-called NSAIDs and rarely eating fiber-containing foods, explain the physicians. However, considering these factors, which also affect the risk of diverticulitis, red meat could be associated with higher rates of bowel dysfunction.

Unprocessed meat is at an increased risk
Unprocessed meat such as beef, pork and lamb was associated with greater risk than processed meat such as bacon or sausage, say the authors. Normally, higher cooking temperatures are used in the preparation of unprocessed meat, which may affect the composition of bacteria in the gut or inflammatory activity, researchers suggest. Nevertheless, the exact reason for the increased risk from these foods is still unknown. (As)