Risk Migraine patients develop more common serious vascular disease

Risk Migraine patients develop more common serious vascular disease / Health News

Increased risk of heart attacks, strokes and thrombosis in migraine patients

Migraine is characterized by a headache, which may be associated with so-called aura symptoms. Those affected are often severely restricted by migraine in their old days. Several recent studies have also found an increased risk of vascular disease in patients with migraine.

In a communication of the German society for neurology reports, Privatdozent Dr. med. Charlie Gaul, Secretary General of the German Migraine and Headache Society (DMKG), said that the two major recent studies from the US and Denmark showed that "Migraine sufferers are more likely to suffer heart attacks, strokes and venous thrombosis." The studies were published in the specialist journals "BMJ open" and "BMJ".

Migraine sufferers not only suffer from headache attacks but also have an increased risk of vascular disease. (Image: psdesign1 / fotolia.com)

Overall mortality for migraine does not increase

Although the mortality of people with migraine is not higher than in the general population, Hans-Christoph Diener of the German Society of Neurology (DGN). However, doctors who treat migraine sufferers should be aware of the increased risk of vascular disease. In particular, women with frequent aura migraine should be screened for risk factors for cardiovascular disease and then treated proactively. Servant continues.

Migraine is one of the most common neurological diseases

About one fifth of all women and eight percent of men are affected by migraine, according to the German Neurological Society. This makes migraine the most common neurological disease in Germany. This is characterized by severe, often one-sided headache, which may be accompanied by loss of appetite, nausea and vomiting and other auric symptoms. Although a large number of medicines are available for the treatment and prevention of migraine attacks, a representative survey by the DMKG has shown that a significant proportion of migraine sufferers are not treated or not treated adequately.

Evidence of association with vascular disease

In clinical science, the question of whether people with migraines are more frequently affected by cerebrovascular and cardiovascular events than other people has recently been raised, reports the German Neurological Society. In recent years, several studies on selected groups of the population have already revealed indications in this direction. Now these have been confirmed by two large studies. "The largest meta-analysis to date on the relationship between cerebrovascular and cardiovascular diseases with migraine is based on data from 16 studies," said Dr. Charly Gaul.

Stroke risk increased by 42 percent

In total, nearly 400,000 migraine patients and approximately 750,000 non-affected patients were included in the study of the US scientists as a control group. It has been shown that for all vascular events, the risk of migraineurs was increased by 42 percent. Based on a stroke, the risk had increased by 41 percent and for heart attacks had increased by 23 percent, reports the German Society of Neurology of the study results.

Increased mortality in migraine with aura

The US study also showed that the risk among the various forms of migraine is unevenly distributed. For example, the third of patients experiencing an aura (seizures, numbness in the limbs) experience a 56 percent higher risk of stroke. Also, the total mortality of these patients had been increased by 20 percent, while the mortality in the entire group was not higher than in the control group, reports the German Society of Neurology. The study from Denmark also came to similar conclusions, comparing the data of more than 50,000 patients over a period of up to 19 years with those of 500,000 controls, reports the association.

Women with frequent migraine attacks and aura symptoms are at risk

Although the study's findings should not be a source of concern for migraine sufferers, a group of sufferers, according to the experts, require special attention. "Women with frequent migraine attacks with aura should be asked about their vascular risk factors and then treated consistently"; emphasizes Prof. Diener. Of particular importance here is smoking and oral hormonal contraception (contraceptive pill). The other migraine patients should "not be frightened by the increased risk, because the absolute number of events is relatively low," said Prof. Diener.

According to the experts, it remains unclear to what extent the risk of vascular events can be reduced by effective treatment of migraine. "To prove this, studies with an observation period of more than ten years would have to be carried out" Gaul. (Fp)