Risk of miscarriage due to antidepressants

Risk of miscarriage due to antidepressants / Health News

Taking antidepressants increases the risk for pregnant women to miscarry.

(02.06.2010) Pregnant women taking antidepressants are at a higher risk of miscarriage. Based on a study by epidemiologist Dr. med. Anick Bérard was able to determine this connection. Bérard's team of physicians evaluated data from 4,124 women who had a miscarriage within the first 20 weeks. It was noted that the proportion of women who suffered a miscarriage and taking antidepressant medicines by a factor of 5.5 was. For women who did not miscarriage but took antidepressants, the factor was 2.7. The risk of a miscarriage increases mathematically in the course of pregnancy with simultaneous use of depressants by 68 percent.

Although there are proven to be alternative treatment options for pregnancy depression, many doctors still prescribe anti-depressants. It has already been proven that acupuncture helps with pregnancy depression. Among others, selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors are prescribed. According to the study results, the risk of miscarriage increases significantly when taking these serotonin inhibitors. The detailed results of the study can be read in the "Canadian Medical Association Journal". (Sb)

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