Rheumatic prevention Protect joints from overload

Rheumatic prevention Protect joints from overload / Health News

Rheumatism: Protect joints from overload from the beginning


The term encompasses over 100 different disorders involving pain in muscles, tendons, joints or bones „rheumatism“. Those affected should take precautions, even before the disease leaves its mark. Every fourth German citizen is affected.

Protect joints early

Today, Sunday is World Rheumatism Day. On the occasion of the action day on October 12, the German Rheumatism League points out, according to a dpa report, that people with chronic rheumatic diseases should protect their joints before they change as a result of the disease. For example, the wrist can be relieved in everyday life when patients consciously keep it straight. You can then optimally use their power when cutting vegetables and do not overload the joint.

Every fourth German citizen affected
In addition, it makes sense to carry loads with both hands and to roll or push heavy things as often as possible instead of carrying them. Those affected should take a break at the latest when the joint hurts and moves so that less or no pain occurs. According to the rheumatism league, every fourth German citizen is affected by a chronic rheumatic disease such as osteoarthritis, osteoporosis or fibromyalgia. Overall stands „rheumatism“ for more than 100 different diseases with pain in muscles, tendons, joints or bones.

Osteoarthritis is most common
According to the German Rheumatism League, the degenerative disease osteoarthritis (joint wear and tear) with more than five million people affected in Germany occurs most frequently. Frequently, the hands, the knee or the hip joint are affected. The consequences of this are - depending on the condition - including hand pain, knee pain or hip pain. The symptoms are often treated with painkillers or physiotherapy. Studies also indicate that acupuncture may be effective in osteoarthritis-related knee joint pain.

Four-year campaign starts
With this year's action day, the association launches a new four-year campaign under the motto: „Self-determined living - changing society“. In the process, service-oriented information is to be taken up, which strengthens those affected in their possibilities. The motto of this year's World Rheumatism Day is: „Rheumatism - coping with everyday life“. The day of action was announced in 1996 by the „Arthritis and Rheumatism International“ Since then, it has always been organized on the 12th of October. (Ad)