Rheumatism symptoms, causes and therapies

Rheumatism symptoms, causes and therapies / Health News

Rheumatism: Symptoms, Causes and Therapies: Young people also suffer from this complex disease


Around 9 million people suffer from rheumatism in Germany alone. Depending on the definition, physicians summarize under this generic term between 200 and 400 diseases, some of which appear similar but often also very different. Those affected include not only the elderly, but people of all ages - even children. But where are the causes of aching joints? And how can rheumatic diseases be treated? Dr. Folker Franzen from orthonet-NRW, an association of established orthopedists in North Rhine-Westphalia, summarizes the most important information on the subject.

Thus, rheumatic diseases in various forms and are not limited, as often suspected, the musculoskeletal system. Most commonly, they manifest as chronic inflammatory wear on various joints, such as the hip, knee, or shoulder, as is the case with osteoarthritis. But rheumatic complaints not only affect hard structures such as bones, joints and their protective layer, the cartilage. They also affect soft tissues such as muscles, ligaments and tendons or even internal organs - such as the so-called fibromyalgia. This form, which is particularly difficult to diagnose, now accounts for a large part of the rheumatological problems.

„In many cases there is morning joint pain with concomitant stiffness, which also increases after rest periods. After an average of 45 minutes with targeted movements of the affected joints, complaints usually resolve“, reports Franzen. This morning stiffness speaks for a rheumatoid arthritis, one of the most serious rheumatic diseases. Here, the inner skin of joints, tendon sheaths and bursa inflamed. The causes are not yet fully understood. There are many indications for an autoimmune reaction, ie the fight against endogenous tissue by a misdirected immune system. Genetic factors are likely to play a major role. Typically: both joints hurt symmetrically, ie both hands, shoulders, knees or feet. Swelling, tenderness, tiredness or mild fever are considered as accompanying symptoms. However, especially at the beginning of the illness, many affected persons often misinterpret the first signs and assume overloading or incorrect lying as a trigger. Even the orthopedist himself usually provides a reliable diagnosis only on the basis of a corresponding blood test.

To date, this expression of rheumatism is not curable. However, when diagnosed at an early stage, orthopedic surgeons in many cases succeed in stopping or slowing the onset of joint inflammation and destruction and in relieving discomfort. Therefore, the main goal of therapy is to relieve pain and maintain mobility for patients. Combination therapies of anti-inflammatory pain-relieving drugs and drugs that suppress the body's immune system have become established. Many patients also benefit from a physical treatment with heat, cold or stimulation current. Even a special, low-meat diet often has a positive effect on the therapy. At an advanced stage, however, surgery can sometimes be unavoidable in order to replace or stiffen the destroyed joints with a prosthesis and thus remedy the symptoms permanently. (Pm)