Resistant germs on the preemie ward in Meppen

Resistant germs on the preemie ward in Meppen / Health News

Preemies in Meppen infected with multidrug-resistant bacteria - looking for the source of infection


After the infection of five premature babies with multidrug-resistant pathogens on the premature ward of the clinic in Meppen, the search for the source of infection is in full swing. As the Ministry of Social Affairs in Hannover announced, were in the infants multi-resistant pathogens from the genus of the intestinal bacterium Escheria coli - E. coli short - proven.

As an immediate measure, after discovering the multidrug-resistant pathogens, the new admissions of patients to the preemie ward were stopped and the affected mothers now have to move with their children to relatively distant clinics such as in Lingen. How the children at the preterm station in Emsland Meppen in contact with the multidrug-resistant excitement could come, is so far completely unclear. Especially since the premature wards generally have very high hygiene standards. The Klinikum Ludmillenstift, the competent authorities of the district and the federal state are currently looking intensively for the source of infection.

Hygiene measures meticulously implemented
In order to prevent the spread of multidrug-resistant germs in the Meppen hospital, not only was a ban on new admission imposed, but also the entire staff and all preterm infants stationed here were examined for possible infections. The five infected newborns were housed isolated. In addition, there was a thorough disinfection of the entire station. Overall, it can be assumed that the recommended hygiene measures were meticulously implemented, so the consensus opinion of a spokesman for the Lower Saxony Ministry of Social Affairs and a spokeswoman for the district of Emsland.

Five preemies infected, but not yet ill
According to the hospital, the five infected premature babies carry the multidrug-resistant germs but have not yet contracted the infection. Nevertheless, the risk should not be underestimated. A spread of the germs in the hospital is urgently to be avoided. What consequences threaten, if this is not successful, was last observed at the preemie ward at the Klinikum Bremen-Mitte, where several babies died due to infection with multidrug-resistant germs. The preemie station had to be closed here several times for a long time. Comparable disasters are to be prevented in Meppen in any case. Therefore, there is a particular interest of all involved in a timely identification of the source of infection, although it can not be ruled out that the origin of the multidrug-resistant pathogens can not be proven in the end. However, as long as no new infection occurs, those responsible could live with it. (Fp)

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Germs on the preemie ward in Meppen
Resistant germs due to antibiotic animal husbandry

Image: Cornelia Menichelli